Class Activity 2
Examples Give an example for every time of phrase: Noun Phrase Verb Phrase Adjective Phrase Adverb Phrase Prepositional Phrase Genitive Phrase
Classify Classify the following phrases into the 6 different types: A nice red shirt On the roof From America The man Have studied Carefully A grammar lesson For you
Identify Phrases in the text: Skeleton Lake: An Episode in Camp by Algernon Blackwood (adapted for practice purposes) [The utter loneliness of our moose-camp on Skeleton Lake had impressed us from the beginning]. [In the Quebec backwoods, we traveled five days by trail and canoe]. [Perhaps the singular name contributed a little to the sensation of eeriness]. [Once the sun was down], [the late October mists began rising from the lake]
Analyze Write down separately the identified sentences and analyze them