Netiquette It governs what conduct is socially acceptable in an online or digital situation. While dealing with digital and online items, there are rules that differ from those while communicating in person or by audio. That is the difference between “Etiquette and Netiquette”.
Why is Netiquette important ? A lot of problems happen nowadays because of the misuse of networks and websites. Forming the public opinion and orientations may be affected positively or negatively with the help of digital items. Online discussions and forums can lead to disasters so it is highly vital to have rules to govern the whole process. Netiquette can fulfill this requirement The internet has made the world a tiny place where everyone can hear the others in no time regardless to the distance and the geography. No borders can limit the fearful power of the internet to invade any place without an excuse. We ,here in Egypt, can hear any sound or voice in America on the spot. We can’t imagine how netiquette is able to control the whole process but hopefully it can limit the defects of the internet.
Some of our Netiquette standards for the use of technology 1-Idetify yourself clearly. 2-Don’t upload inappropriate pictures. 3-Use appropriate language to be easy to understand. 4-Obey copyright laws. 5-Respect others privacy. 6-Don’t share rumors. 7-Choose strong password.