WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) 16-RA VI Side Event Helsinki, Finland, 11 September 2013 Dr Miroslav Ondráš, Dr Wenjian Zhang (WMO) Dr Sue Barrell (Chair ICG-WIGOS)
Outline What is WIGOS? WIGOS Vision WMO What is WIGOS? WIGOS Vision Implementation (Global, Regional, National) National WIGOS 2
What is WIGOS? An over-arching framework for the coordination and evolution of WMO observing systems and the contributions of WMO to co-sponsored observing systems; A WMO priority & a key contribution to GFCS With WIS, a WMO contribution to GEOSS; It is about doing more & better with what we have now, to enable more efficient and effective service delivery; It is about change management process. The change management process can allow stakeholders to buy into WIGOS concept and its implementation
WIGOS WIS WIGOS: A future observing framework for WMO World Weather Watch GAW WIGOS GCW Hydro OS GOS GCOS Partners GDPFS Co-sponsors WIS GTS
Coordinated, comprehensive, reliable & trusted observations for WMO; WIGOS Vision Coordinated, comprehensive, reliable & trusted observations for WMO; Addressing, in a cost-effective and sustained manner, the evolving observing requirements of Members in delivering their weather, climate, water and related environmental services; Enhanced coordination & cooperation at sub-regional and national levels for the benefit of society; WIGOS will build on the WWW 'role model' of integration and international cooperation. Reliable & trusted Observations: Timely, Quality assured, Quality controlled, Well documented, Compatible 5
WIGOS Vision To achieve the WIGOS Vision, the WIGOS framework will be implemented to enable the integration, interoperability, optimized evolution and best-practice operation for WMO observing systems, and WMO’s contribution to co-sponsored systems. WIGOS will use and exploit the WMO Information System (WIS) to allow continuous and reliable access to an expanded set of environmental data and products, and associated metadata Framework that describes processes, principles, procedures and practices to be included in the WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49) & Guides on WIGOS and other relevant documentation;
WIGOS Vision - Integration Composite systems 'Network of networks’ Integration through: Supporting diverse user needs Systems designed for efficiency & effectiveness NWP data assimilation Partnership & collaboration End-to-end service model Data policy, access and exchange Coordinated network operation & maintenance Practices and procedures NOT one-size-fits-all
WIGOS Vision - Interoperability Ability to access, combine or compare observations from one source or system with those from another To achieve this, need: Metadata Standards Regulatory material Interoperability is key to turning observations into effective data, products and services that meet real user needs
WIGOS Framework: Key activity areas Management of WIGOS Implementation Collaboration with co-sponsors and partners To oversee, guide and coordinate WIGOS Data discovery, delivery & archival Design, planning and optimised evolution To ensure supply of and access to WIGOS observations To plan, implement and evolve WIGOS component systems Observing system operation & maintenance Capacity Development To facilitate and support the operation of WIGOS Communications and outreach Operational Information Resource Standards, interoperability & compatibility Quality Management 9
Implementation – Global Level Cg-XVI (May-June 2011): Decided to implement WIGOS - Res.50 (Cg-XVI) Requested the regional associations to develop their regional WIGOS implementation plans; Requested the technical commissions to Guide technical aspects of WIGOS implementation; EC-LXIII (2011): Established ICG-WIGOS to coordinate global implementation of WIGOS EC-64 (2012): Adopted WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan (WIP), version 1.0, and requested: Members, RAs and TCs to organize their activities as to realize WIP CBS & CIMO to provide technical lead in WIGOS implementation EC-65 (2013): Adopted the updated version of WIP version 2.0 Adopted Implementation Plan for the evolution of global observing systems (EGOS-IP)
Implementation - Regional Level Identify major issues of Regions and its Sub-regions (observational challenges, critical gaps, needs, priorities) ; Propose potential solutions against the identified services priorities of the Region/Sub-regions; Identify implementation activities under the Ten Key WIGOS Activity Areas ; Develop the Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans (R-WIP): Align R-WIP with major regional & national activities and harmonized aid-funded on-going national/bilateral/subregional projects; Align R-WIP with all WMO Priorities (GFCS-IP, CB/CD, DRR), GCOOS-IP, EGOS-IP; Propose bilateral or multilateral subregional projects, or inter-regional projects (e.g. between RA I & VI / RA I & II); Align with existing funding and look for funding opportunities: Identify appropriate mechanism and implement agreed tasks and projects.
Implementation - National Level Develop National WIGOS Implementation Plan (N-WIP) Taking into account: National strategic plans and national priorities, Regional & Sub/regional needs/priorities, R-WIP guidance, Resources, Establish the National WIGOS Implementation Committee (WIC) composed of all stakeholders, Strengthen leadership of the NMHS by chairing the National WIGOS Implementation Committee Identify resources for sustainable operations of national observing systems
Implementation - National Level Challenges and opportunities: To demonstrate national leadership in WIGOS-related observations; Integration; To apply WIGOS standards/best practices in observations & systems; To plan, design and evolve national observing networks for benefit of all users; To sustain operation and maintenance; To enhance access to and sharing of observations; To reinforce a central role of NMHS through partnerships & through a network of networks; To strengthen national mandate and authority.
Thank you for your attention www.wmo.int/wigos