Pitch Presentation for Magazine Idea. By Karley Myall
What is your magazine about? http://pinterest.com/pin/427349452114107616 What is your magazine about? My magazine is about fashion. I will be basing my magazine around different types of fashion that are related to grunge. I will be showing my audience how to dress in the grunge style, showing as well information and facts I have found out about when grunge fashion was created and the different types of clothing, you can piece together, to create a grunge look. Following many photographs of the fashion I will be presenting. My magazine will be released quarterly and will be selling for around £3.50. It will feature different reviews and features to do with fashion as well as telling the audience, how and where they can buy these clothes from. http://aecfashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/grunge-fashion-pfkgyukv.jpg http://imutemagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Glitter-Grunge-webitorial-for-iMute-Magazine.jpg
Name Idea. For my magazine, I really liked the name ‘Dark, Edgy and Beautiful. This is because I truly felt that this related well to my magazine, being that, grunge fashion is mysterious and usually a dark type of fashion. I made a few notes of what I wanted but I did not really like any of the others, this one stuck really well. This title will be the one I use in my magazine, purely because I genuinely feel like it describes what I will be writing about.
http://www.1001fonts.com/ Colours and Fonts. For my magazine I want it to be in grey almost black colour, it will be bold and flashy and I want it to catch my readers eye. My magazine fonts will stay similar and the colour’s too, to fit in and blend well with my whole magazine design. The fonts for my masthead that I want to use: These are all the fonts that I like the most, my favourite is the first one, just because it looks eye-catching and will blend in well with my magazine.
Target Audience. My target audience for my magazine is going to be aimed at young women mostly around the age of 16-25, this is purely from the research that I found where it said that more women around this age range read fashion magazines, taking that into consideration, I decided this audience is the best one for me to choose. Most of the research I found out was that these types of peoples interests where fashion, designing and being creative. https://lyndakonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/target-audience79981464.jpg
Advertisement. For my magazine I will be advertising this on different platforms of fashion websites for example, websites like ‘Vogue’ this is a very famous website for all different types of style, including grunge. This would be a great website to post onto because it would give me the recommendation I need and will show the audience reading what this fashion is and giving it more publicity. I would put it in local stores too, as this is where some fashion magazines are brought, places like supermarkets or your local corner shop. I would also take into consideration, what other types of platforms, I could go into, perhaps a video showing what is in my magazine page by page, posters showing what is included to get people’s attention.
Selling Point. The selling point for my magazine will be the fashion I am talking about. This is because I feel like more people will tune in, especially teens, because they always want to keep up on the latest fashion. My main selling point I will say will be my content, the information and the images that I present will be why my audience want to read my magazine. It would not get much recommendation if the photographs weren’t taken professionally and the information used was boring and plain. The photographs need to be taken in a professional manor, using different camera techniques, different effects, for example I will probably do more Grayscale effects on my pictures, to represent the dark fashion.
Design. These images are of my front cover, content page and back cover. I did these as I felt these where the most important aspects of a magazine, without the professional and eye-catching front cover, no one will be interested.
Flat Plan Review(500 Words) Front Cover Introduction into my magazine. Fashion Idea Analysis Feature Feature Feature Feature Images Info Back Page
Main Story. For my magazine I will be including a interview piece and a feature article as well as some reviews. The interview piece will be me asking people questions about this particular fashion and then find out if its very popular or not. The feature article will be a collage of images I have taken and will then be wrote about, writing about the fashion, what they’re wearing, what the style represents and where they can get these particular clothes from. I think this is a good idea because it will interact with my audience and give them information.
How will it be successful? The reason my magazine will be successful Is because it will appeal to a wide audience, which is key when creating something different. It will be creative, informative and eye-catching. The audience I will be aiming this at will particularly enjoy reading about the fashion they like into more detail and getting tips on how to dress like them at reasonable prices. It will interact with my audience and will draw people in who don’t really know what grunge is.