Final Major project
Info For my final major project I am going to be basing it on expressing yourself through fashion, art and makeup. My magazine will be aimed at girls and boys age 15+. I will be using photographers and various magazines to give me ideas of what I want to do in particular. The articles of my magazine will be about personal style. For this I will photograph a few of my friends and interview them about their style the way they do their makeup and how it makes them unique. I have a few magazines I want to use for research and inspiration the magazines names I have in mind are, Love magazine, Paper magazine, Lazy Oaf. The aim of the images of my magazine is, to show personality, each photo- shoot will represent a different personality. For an example, if I wanted to represent someone who is sweet and kind I will make sure my image connotes that bye including things such as flowers or maybe making them hold a sweet treat or even have an innocent colour as the background. As well as that I would like to discuss topics such as, insecurities and feminism. I think this is an important topic to teenagers to be informed about. I will research some feminist groups to help me with this. For my second idea on insecurities I will look for a few bloggers which have covered that topic or advocates for body positivity and do an article on them
Magazine objective: The objective of my magazine is to encourage girls to express themselves and not be afraid to dress, act the way the want to as girls are pressured into looking a certain way. I want to discuss body positivity. I am planning on taking photographs of my friends and doing an interview them. I will also be talking about feminism for one of my articles too. This is because I think it is important for women to stand up for their rights.
Emotion mood board
Explaining my mood board For my mood board I decided to add photographs that convey personality and emotion. I will also try and recreate a few of them or take inspiration from them. On the second mood board I added a bunch of work from photographers. The background of images are something that is going to be important for me because the background will correlate to what the image is representing.
Megan Doherty
Megan Doherty I chose to use this photographer as inspiration as I love the way her work is expressive. I love the way their personality is shown through their outfit, hair and makeup. And the photographer Megan Doherty captures that quite well this will also be my intention to capture my models the way Megan does. I also like how raw her images are, by this I mean they don’t seem too retouched and they make you feel as if you’re in the moment.
Expressing with emotions I think it is important for girls to express themselves and be confident in who they are I hope I can show this with my photography I am planning on doing.
Layout Opaque magazine I really like the graphics used in this double page spread. It makes it more appealing to my target audience. This magazine also has similar values I want for my magazine. This is why I will be using this magazine for inspiration. I have taken inspiration from magazines to help me with my idea for my layout. I love how colourful and expressive these magazines are. Opaque magazine
Opaque magazine Opaque magazine is a fashion magazine specially crafted for youthful, edgy, bold individuals. Published monthly, every magazine has different series with specific topics such as this “Spectrum” series. Each will cover on fashion, beauty, DIYs and lifestyle. This way, you guys can look for inspiration easily since every magazine is categorized. Also, you will be able to identify your interest and staying up-to-date in the current fashion trend with ease. Just like fashion, this magazine’s look is ever-changing in order to suit its theme. Hence, new surprises awaits in every magazine you purchase! In this issue, we will be addressing the topic revolving on candy colours! Soak up the summer and give your retinas a thrill with eye-popping, unexpected streaks of colours. Jump in!
Focus group I asked a few people who relate to my magazine how they express themselves and a few other questions here are there responses. One of the girls I asked said, how do you express yourself with your outfits and why? I expresses myself in fashion because it makes me feel confident and powerful as well as that it makes her figure look good. Another thing is I enjoy having my own style as shows a bit of individuality. How would you describe your style? Her style is very chic, Sienna Miller X Lissy Roddy and Hailey Baldwin. These celebrities are in the public eye a lot. What is you signature makeup look? For makeup she loves to have dewy natural skin with bright lipstick. Jamie Genevieve and some other Instagram stars . What is one thing I should consider when creating this magazine? I should add in quotes which are to do with expressing yourself for inspirational words perhaps quotes from celebrities that express themselves. I should draw attention to creativity as it is a form of expressing yourself.
how do you express yourself with your outfits and why? I express myself with my outfits by choosing a style and going All out with that style. Whether it being casual or dressy. How would you describe your style? I describe my style as casually sophisticated with an edge. Here are some images of celebrities that I consider to be style icons. What is you signature makeup look? My signature makeup look consists of defined brows, contour, silky nude lips, highlight and most of the time, skilled eyeshadow looks in autumn tones using the Morphe coffee palette. Lastly, I can’t live without everyday false lashes. These tend to be a wispy style. What is one thing I should consider when creating this magazine? You should consider the audience in terms of inspiring them. This could be done through quotes, advice etc.
Recreating images When recreating these images the things I will have to consider is , that my background correlates with the focal point of my image. The things I love about these images is, they’re quite expressive showing the models personality. Also I will be editing theses images onto photo-shop to add in the interesting graphics to bring the images to life.