Class 17: Paul’s Letter To The Colossians A C T S Go Tell The Good News! (Part 2) Class 17: Paul’s Letter To The Colossians
Paul’s Letter To Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… One of 4 epistles written from 1st Roman imprisonment Acts 28:30-31 Most likely, Paul had never visited Colossae 2:1 The church seems to have been started by Epaphras 1:3-7 4:12-13 Information about Epaphras – He was a Colossian & a Greek He quite possibly could have learned the gospel from Paul in Ephesus Acts 19:10 He appears to have served as a 1st century “circuit riding preacher” 4:13
Paul’s Letter To Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… Information about Epaphras – He had come to Rome & informed Paul about the Colossians 1:7-8 Logically, he would have carried this letter back, but he had become Paul’s “fellow prisoner” Phlm 23 This prevented him from serving as courier Concerns Epaphras shared with Paul – Perhaps the information he brought centered on the saints drifting away from the “all-sufficient Christ” Concerns re: the Colossian church Paul alludes to 2:4, 8, 16-17, 18-19, 20-23 Some likely behavioral problems 3:5-11, 12-14
Paul’s Letter To Colossae Other Relevant Information… The letter was carried to Colossae by Tychicus, an Asian 4:7-9 Acts 20:4 Most likely not a Colossian, given 4:9 Onesimus traveled with Tychicus…he was Philemon’s runaway slave Phlm 8-18 A “companion letter” to Ephesians Eph 6:21-22 Often called “The Twin Epistles” Very similar statements & themes Appears both of these letters, along with the short letter to Philemon, were carried by Tychicus & Onesimus
Paul’s Letter To Colossae Others mentioned in the letter – Timothy has joined Paul in Rome 1:1 Only in this epistle is Mark called Barnabas’ “cousin” 4:1 Acts 13:5, 13 15:37-39 Only in this epistle is Luke identified as a “physician” 4:14 Demas is still labeled “faithful”…yet, would fall away 4:14 Phlm 24 2 Tim 4:10
Paul’s Letter To Colossae Basic Outline: Opening greetings & admonitions 1:1-12 Description of the Christ in Whom every man can be “complete” 1:13 – 2:23 Instructions on how those “complete” in Christ are to live 3:1 – 4:6 Closing personal remarks 4:7-18 DOCTRINAL Thematic Statement “…in Him you have been made complete” 2:10 APPLICATION
Paul’s Letter To Colossae Opening Greetings & Admonitions 1:1-12 Faithful saints for whom Paul had been praying vv. 2-3, 9-12 Epaphras had taught them re: “their hope laid up in heaven” v. 4 Christ & His “complete” saints 1:13 – 2:23 God “…delivered us from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of His Son” 1:13 A description of Jesus Christ He is our Redeemer & Forgiver 1:14 He is the Image of the invisible God 1:15 He is the “Firstborn” [preeminent] 1:15 He is Creator & Sustainer 1:16-17 DOCTRINAL
Paul’s Letter To Colossae Christ & His “complete” saints 1:13 – 2:23 A description of Jesus Christ He is Head of the church 1:18 He is the “Firstborn from the dead” 1:18 He is Peacemaker & Reconciler 1:20, 22 In Him are hidden “…all treasures of wisdom & knowledge” 2:3 In Him “…dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” 2:9 Christ’s complete saints Every man is “presented complete” in Him 1:28 They are “…knit together in love” 2:2 They have “discipline” and “stability” 2:5 They “…walk in Him” 2:6 DOCTRINAL
Paul’s Letter To Colossae Christ & His “complete” saints 1:13 – 2:23 Christ’s complete saints They are “…firmly rooted” and are able to resist “…being taken captive by philosophy & empty deception” 2:7-8 They are “…made complete” in Him 2:10 They are circumcised & forgiven 2:11-13 The former covenant at the cross has been canceled 2:14-15 Therefore, the Colossians could be spared judgments from Judaizing false teachers 2:16-23 DOCTRINAL
Paul’s Letter To Colossae How Completed Saints Live 3:1 – 4:6 With properly set affections 3:1-4 A mind “…on things above, not on things on the earth” Because we’ve been “raised with Christ” after having “died with Him” 3:1 2:20 Kill the members of the body 3:5-9 Attitudes & actions that “…bring the wrath of God upon sons of disobedience” “Put off these things of the old man” cp. Rom 6:6-14 Put on the “new man” 3:10-17 “Renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him” v. 10 Because we are the “…elect of God” v. 12 God’s peace “rules in our hearts” v. 15 APPLICATION
Paul’s Letter To Colossae How Completed Saints Live 3:1 – 4:6 Put on the “new man” 3:10-17 Christ’s word “richly dwells in us” v. 16 All things done “in word or in deed” are done “in name of the Lord Jesus” v. 17 Appropriately in all human relationships 3:18 – 4:1 Wives & husbands Children & parents (fathers) Slaves & masters Being devoted to prayer 4:2-4 Paul requests prayers for himself, his ministry Proper conduct toward outsiders 4:5-6 “Redeeming the time” That we might know how to answer them APPLICATION Onesimus & Philemon
Paul’s Letter To Colossae Closing Personal Remarks 4:7-18 A commendation of Tychicus & Onesimus vv. 7-9 Personal comments from & to various brethren vv. 10-17 Have this letter read in the assembly A final request v. 18