Technical Governance documents under Linux Foundation Networking 14 November 2017
Umbrella Structure Overview Executive Summary GB with Directed Funds Networking Technical Advisory Council Separate legal entity for Technical community (Series LLC) LF Board Umbrella Governing Board (Directed Funds) Networking Technical Advisory Council Consolidated Infrastructure Budgets Marketing Strategy Events Legal Programs ODL TSC OPNFV TSC ONAP TSC etc Dev Community Dev Community Dev Community etc Series LLC Series LLC Series LLC 2
Governance documents for OPNFV Series LLC Technical Charter document This takes the place of the current OPNFV by-laws (, but much simplified and down to ~6 pages This is the legal document for the LLC Some of the highlights TSC Composition: The current TSC members remain, and the community will have 12 months to figure out the merit-based composition IP Policy: The IP Policy remains largely unchanged (e.g. project license, DCO sign-off, etc.) The TSC approves alternative licenses (i.e. not Apaches-2.0 or CC-BY-4.0) for projects
Governance documents for OPNFV Series LLC TSC Procedures This replaces the current OPNFV TSC Charter ( charter) Eliminates several sections (e.g. Sections 2 – 4) in the current TSC Charter that deals with TSC’s relationship with the OPNFV Board as these are not applicable under Linux Foundation Networking (LFN)
Notes on OPNFV Series LLC governance Both the Technical Charter & TSC Procedures documents can be updated anytime after the LFN launch Changes to either governance documents only requires a TSC vote and legal review by LF Legal and will not require a Board approval