draft-dharini-ccamp-dwdm-if-param-yang-00 A YANG model to manage the optical interface parameters for an external transponder in a WDM network draft-dharini-ccamp-dwdm-if-param-yang-00 Ruediger Kunze Deutsche Telekom Gabriele Galimberti Cisco Systems Dharini Hiremagalur Juniper Networks Gert Grammel Juniper Networks November 2016 IETF 97 - Seoul
Motivation The building of a yang model describing the optical parameters allows the different vendors and operator to retrieve, provision and exchange information across multi-vendor domains in a standardized way This memo defines a Yang model related to the optical parameters characterising the 100G and above optical interfaces. 100G and above Transceivers support coherent transmission, different modulation format, multiple FEC algorithms not yet specified by ITU-T G.698.2 [ITU.G698.2] or any other ITU-T recommendation. The use cases and the state of the Coherent transceivers is well describe in draft-many-coherent-DWDM-if-control. The Yang model reported in this memo can be used for Optical Parameters monitoring and/or configuration of the endpoints of the multi-vendor IaDI optical link. As not all the parameters described in this draft are specified by ITU-T but widely in use in the industry and in the real networks the draft is “experimental” or better “informational” November 2016 IETF 97 - Seoul
Document Scope The document covers management and control/management plane aspects for single channel DWDM interfaces This document models the optical parameters that characterise the DWDM interfaces implementing coherent transmission following and extending the G.698.2 ITU-T recommendation. The purpose is to identify the necessary information elements and processes for a multilayer network architecture. The parameter modelled in this draft are related either to Fixed and Flexible DWDM optical networks This draft refers and supports: draft-ietf-ccamp-dwdm-if-mng-ctrl-fwk draft-many-coherent-DWDM-if-control draft-galimbe-ccamp-iv-yang November 2016 IETF 97 - Seoul
Solution initially in scope. Multilayer SDN Optics controller DWDM Vendor C July 2016 IETF 96 -Berlin
Optical Parameters summary Number of subcarriers Current Laser Output power Central frequency (see G.694.1 Table 1) Central frequency granularity Current Laser Input power Minimum channel spacing Bit rate / Baud rate of optical tributary signals FEC Coding Maximum bit error ratio Wavelength Range (see G.694.1): [ITU.G694.1] Modulation format November 2016 IETF 97 - Seoul
Optical Parameters summary Inter carrier skew Maximum and minimum mean channel output power Minimum and maximum central frequency Maximum spectral excursion Maximum transmitter (residual) dispersion OSNR penalty (B.3/G.959.1) [ITU.G959.1] Minimum side mode suppression ratio, Minimum channel extinction ratio, Eye mask Current Laser Output power Maximum and minimum mean input power Minimum optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) Receiver OSNR tolerance Maximum reflectance at receiver Current Chromatic Dispersion (CD) Current Optical Signal to Noise Ratio (OSNR) Current Quality factor (Q) November 2016 IETF 97 - Seoul
Key Requirements Even if network architectures becomes more complex the management and operation as well as the provisioning process should have a higher degree of automation or should be fully automated. Simplifying and automating the entire management and provisioning process of the network in combination with a higher link utilization and faster restoration times will be the major requirements that has been addressed in this section. Data Plane interoperability as defined for example in [ITU.G698.2] is a precondition to ensure plain solutions and allow the usage of standardized APIs between network and control/management plane. SDN controlled need the optical parameters to calculate the Channel optical feasibility and provision the interfaces. November 2016 IETF 97 - Seoul
Next steps Discussion on the list, requesting feedback from the WG Next update will deliver a further clean up and simplification (removing of text that is not needed) Discussion with the chairs started on how to proceed with the the disclosure of the experimental document November 2016 IETF 97 - Seoul