Uncovering a hidden population Caregiving Youth: Uncovering a hidden population
Statewide/Nationwide training series on health and policy topics affecting CYSHCN Geared for families, youth, providers, professionals, parent-to-parent staff and advocates The voice of families the vision of quality health care the future for children and youth with special health care needs
Who are We: State Affiliate of National Family Voices Statewide collaborative of parent run centers California’s “Family-to-Family-Health-Information-Center” Statewide support to families of CYSHCN As we provide statewide support, we must look at ways to break down geographic and other barriers to participation for both families and advocates
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Asking a question for the presenter How do I ask questions? Type-in your questions in “Questions” pane Highlights: Can have side conversations with others Easy to use More interactive and product-based than the phone Good for visual learners Downsides: people may be doing other work, you lose in-person ph
Access our webinars at anytime. Today’s presentation is being recorded and will be posted to the FVCA website to see one of our archived webinars or join an upcoming one, visit our website www.familyvoicesofca.org
Today’s Featured Presenters Connie Siskowski, RN, PhD Julia Belkowitz, MD, MPH Rammy Assaf, MD, MPH, MIA