Output 2: Quality and relevance of demand-driven programs improved Support to the development of skills standards and curriculum
1. Road and Bridge Construction 4 6 Savannakhet TVC Polytechnic Trade Area Intl Expert (months) Local Consultant Trade Working Group Lead College Cooperating Colleges 1. Road and Bridge Construction 4 6 Savannakhet TVC Polytechnic 2. Electrical Technique/ Electrical Control System Khamouane TVC Champasack, Pakpasak, Vientiane Province, Polytechnic, Savannakhet 3. Building Construction 3 Pakpasak TC Savannakhet, Vientiane Province, Champasack and Khammouane 4. Logistics Vte P, Champassack, Savannakhet
SUPPORTING THE 7 TRADE AREAS Intl Expert (months) Local Consultant Trade Working Group Lead College Cooperating Colleges Multimedia & Graphic Design/IT Networking 6. IT Electronics 6 4 Vientiane-Hanoi TVC Champassack TVC Champassack, Pakpasak, Polytechnic, Savannakhet, Khamouane, VP, and V-HTVC 7. Agriculture (Bio Agriculture/ Veterinary) 8. Food Processing Dokhamxang ATS KTVC -Khamouane, Vientiane Province -DATS, VP, Svnkt, Champassack 9. Automotive/ Industrial Mechanic/ Mechanical Technology 8 Technical College of Vientiane Province Champassack, Khamouane and Savannakhet SUPPORTING THE 7 TRADE AREAS
Trade Working Group for Curriculum Development Colleges’ DDG International Expert National Expert PPS-ATC (2 members) DKX-ATC (2 members) KM-TVC (2 members) CPS-TVC (2 members) VTE-TC (2 members) VTE-Hanoi TC (2 members) Polytechnic (2 members) SVK-TVC (2 members) Trade Area Road and Bridge Construction Cooperating Lead Electrical Technique/ Electrical Control System Cooperating Lead Cooperating Cooperating Cooperating Cooperating Building Construction Lead Cooperating Cooperating Cooperating Cooperating Logistics Lead Cooperating Cooperating Cooperating Multimedia & Graphic Design/IT Networking Cooperating Cooperating Lead Cooperating IT Electronics Cooperating Lead Cooperating Cooperating Cooperating Agriculture (Bio Agriculture/ Veterinary) Lead Cooperating Cooperating Food Processing Cooperating Lead Cooperating Cooperating Cooperating Automotive/ Industrial Mechanic/ Mechanical Technology Cooperating Cooperating Lead Cooperating
INDUSTRY PARTNERS Trade Area Lead College Industry Partners 1. Road and Bridge Construction Savannakhet Technical Vocational College Phettaparb Road and Bridge Construction 2. Electrical Technique Khamouane Tehnical Vocational Coillege EDL, NTPC, Lao Electrical Enterprises 3. Building Construction Pakpasak Technical College National and international building construction companies 4. Logistics Pakpasak TC Lao Beer, Coca Cola and others
INDUSTRY PARTNERS Trade Area Lead College Industry Partners IT Electronics 6. Multimedia & Graphic Design/IT Networking CTVC Vientiane-Hanoi Technical Vocational College IT Academy, High Tech Lao Company, Vietnamese institutions 7. Agriculture (Bio Agriculture/ Veterinary) and 8. Food Processing Dokhamxang Agriculture Technical School KTVC LadLao, Sengdeuane Farm, and other agriculture companies 9. Automotive/ Industrial Mechanic/ Mechanical Technology Technical College of Vientiane Province T-TEP YG, Toyota, Ford, and others
Proposed Working Structure Proposed Committee for Approval of Curriculum and Instructional Materials (CACIM) for TVET (MOLW, TVED, VEDI, NTC, Industry Partners) TVED NTC (Skills standards) VEDI (curr dev’t) TWG (with specific lead college, members, industry rep) With assistance from TL/DTL Expected Outputs from 9 TWGs Improved Skills Standards Assessment Improved Curriculum Modules Confirmed List of Learning Equipment Improved training content/programs Industry Partners With assistance from curriculum consultants
Working Methodologies Fielding of international consultants VEDI orientation of consultants on skills standards and curriculum development Review of related/relevant STVET competency-based training packages Review of existing similar outputs produced by other development partners Close collaboration with other consultants working in same area Consultant assignment in lead college/s Trade working groups Consultation workshops Submission of final works to VEDI VEDI to submit to TVED National Training Council MOES
Work process SSTVET Orientation Meeting VEDI Orientation Meeting 3 workshop series
Next Steps First Fielding of consultants (Oct. 15; Nov. 6) Getting to know the curriculum development manual/format by VEDI for 3 days orientation and stay at VEDI (Nov. 6-10 ) Fielding of consultants to the colleges for a week to assess existing learning facilities, skills standards and curriculum and study improvement (Nov 13-17) by working with college counterparts Workshop 1 on curriculum development (Nov 20-24) main output: finalized list of equipment Submission of final equipment list to TVED Workshop 2 on curriculum development (Dec 4-8) main output: skills standards per trade area Workshop 3 on curriculum development (Dec 18-22) main output: improved curriculum per trade area
Consultants’ TOR for the the first deployment Work collaboratively with assigned curriculum developers of the VEDI and the TWG and execute a work plan to develop skills standards, revise curricula, prepare materials and deliver a training to support the trade area; Prepare, establish/organize and institutionalize formats like the technical working group (TWG) for developing competency standards and curriculum in collaboration with relevant experts assigned by the colleges in close collaboration with industry practitioners and business communities; Review design courses and programs from the different colleges as named above and make recommendations or revisions for consideration of the TWG. Review and finalize current list of proposed learning equipment and apparatus for procurement under SSTVET; Prepare the first draft of the basic curriculum package with (i) improved skills standards; (iii) improved curriculum modules; and, (ii) improved training content/programs; Guide the TWG in the preparation of the modular format of learning materials with student workbooks; Conduct consultation workshops to improve TVET education and industry needs matching through active cooperation with existing industries in developing skills standards and curriculum and to validate draft outputs; Help VEDI and College staff and the existing local industries design and implement skills upgrading programs for the trade area; to be delivered to existing TVET teachers (in-service training) and for teacher trainees (pre-service training) based on the newly developed standards and curricula through on-the job training and collaborative work and in organized meetings and workshops;
Next steps 2nd Fielding of Consultants after VEDI/TVED/MOES approval of curriculum Workshop 4 on the development of learning materialsraining content/programs (to be scheduled) Mentoring and coaching by Consultants on curriculum delivery Workshop 5 on validation and confirmation of training content/programs (to be scheduled)
Consultants’ TOR for second deployment Help VEDI and College staff and the existing local industries design and implement skills upgrading programs for the trade area; to be delivered to existing TVET teachers (in-service training) and for teacher trainees (pre-service training) based on the newly developed standards and curricula through on-the job training and collaborative work and in organized meetings and workshops; Provide assistance to teachers and schools in adopting the new curriculum developed; Support the project schools to implement the new curriculum with proper set-up and maintenance of workshops and introduction of equipment and tools inventory and maintenance systems, and workshop safety protocols. A manual for the proper use of the workshop shall be developed; Provide training to all trade-related teachers, especially to concerned female teachers, on pedagogies and content in delivery in the particular trade area. A training manual shall be developed and turned over to the college; and, Monitor and supervise the implementation of the new curriculum and the appropriate use of the new training materials at schools.
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