And other questions answered Why Do We Need Quotes? And other questions answered
It’s like fighting crime… What do they need in order to solve the crime?
What does evidence lead to?
With enough evidence we can prove that someone committed a crime. Or in our case…that your idea is legitimate. proof
So…what does this have to do with your papers? Crime Scenes Need… Your Paper Needs… Evidence! DNA Fingerprints Particulates (small particles) Personal belongings Evidence! Quotes from the text Quotes from other sources Quotes
These quotes can be found in Chapter 9. If I say… No one came to Gatsby’s funeral Can you find me a quote that would prove that? Tom told Wilson who owned the yellow car Can you find me a quote that would prove this? These quotes can be found in Chapter 9.
Proof isn’t enough
Crime scene investigators also need to explain the proof
So…what does this have to do with your papers? Investigators Need… Your Papers Need… Medical Examiners to explain autopsies Psychologists to explain states of mind Scientists to explain the many tests and how chemicals react Doctors to explain injuries……… Explanations of the quotes used Reason(s) for your choice of quote Discussion of the importance of your quote
Your turn YOU MAY NOT SAY ‘I’ WHEN EXPLAINING WHY. Grab a book or a copy of Chapter 7 Take out a sheet of paper Find one quote that proves Tom and Gatsby are fighting with each other. Be sure to explain why you chose this quote. YOU MAY NOT SAY ‘I’ WHEN EXPLAINING WHY. Say instead: This quote shows… As is evident in this quote… Because Tom says this it is obvious that…
How to write one and why you write them paragraphs How to write one and why you write them
Wanna go on a treasure hunt? What do you need to go on a treasure hunt?
A map Paragraphs in your paper are your map to the treasure. The treasure is your thesis.
A map for your paragraph A paragraph should only be written if it has a purpose Paragraphs are mini papers Each paragraph needs a topic sentence This topic sentence gives the paragraph its purpose (Why write a pointless paragraph?) Each paragraph needs supporting sentences All sentences in your paragraph should help support your topic sentence In a paper your topic sentence and supporting sentences should also point back to the thesis Conclusion or transition sentence Conclusion sentences are there to make sure your reader understands Transition sentences transition to the next point you are about to make
Let’s look at a paragraph My passion for music probably started just after I was born. My mother sang to me as a little girl and I always remember her singing in church. It is her enthusiasm that encouraged me to sing along with her. I had found out at an early age that music evokes a special feeling that moves the soul. It was that special something that helped me realize that music is really a second voice; and so I sing with my whole heart, believing every word I sing. It is through this second voice that I like to express myself, and through the years, I have developed that ability.
Tell me why My passion for music probably started just after I was born. My mother sang to me as a little girl and I always remember her singing in church. It is her enthusiasm that encouraged me to sing along with her. I had found out at an early age that music evokes a special feeling that moves the soul. It was that special something that helped me realize that music is really a second voice; and so I sing with my whole heart, believing every word I sing. It is through this second voice that I like to express myself, and through the years, I have developed that ability.
In conclusion Paragraphs explain why you think the way you think. The quotes in your paragraph are the evidence (or clues) that lead your reader to think the way that you do. The supporting sentences are the explanation of your quotes that make your point stronger. The quotes together with your explanation are what you need to make a good case – just like the crime scene investigators. The jury (your reader), however, needs a map to get through all of the evidence and clues. They need you to help them make connections. If you don’t help them through your evidence they will never find the treasure or reach the verdict you want them to.
THIS WILL PROVE TO BE VERY USEFUL FOR YOUR TEST TOMORROW!!!! Guess what?! Your favorite part! Write a paragraph for me! Any topic (You could write a paragraph about how much you hate writing paragraphs.) It needs one topic sentence, at least two supporting sentences, and one conclusion sentence (since you won’t be transitioning). THIS WILL PROVE TO BE VERY USEFUL FOR YOUR TEST TOMORROW!!!!