2017 Asian Test Symposium Name Affiliation
Outline Page Setup File Naming Presentation information
Page Setup All pages should be in horizontal (Landscape) format, not vertical No logos are permitted except on the title page
File Naming Save your file with the name pattern S-P_presenter.ppt S: session number (1A, 1B, 1C, …) P: paper number Example: 1A-1_TomWang.ppt (the session and paper number can be found from the technical program of symposium website
Presentation Information Please provide your presentation file before Nov. 19, 2017 If you cannot provide your presentation file before Nov. 19, 2017, please bring it using an USB memory and save it into a laptop computer in your session room 10 minutes prior to session staring or upload your presentation file in advance Please also meet your session chair in your session room before your session starting