Building Strength from the Core UP Michael J Matury, DC DIBCN Building Strength from the Core UP
Biography Bachelor of Science Biology, Purdue University 1986/91 Doctor of Chiropractic, Palmer College of Chiropractic 1989 Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist 2016 Certified Medical Examiner for DOT 2014 Certified Provider Active Release Technique 1996 Treatment staff Ironman/Triathlons since 1996 Chiropractor for 2 past Mr USA Champions
Introduction Decided to veer off from some of my prior presentations Not sure it was such a GREAT idea Why? TOO MUCH STUFF
Had to Plagiarize
Let’s Get to the CORE Can we roll…. This is a basic neurologic reflex movement pattern U5h8
Instructions for Rolling It is NOT a 3 sets of 10 type exercise Perfection is important- NOT number or reps Use a spotter When the movement pattern gets “easy” you are DONE. As a routine… before and after practice/game
Basic Posture Problems Shoulder forward Mid back rounded Head forward Tight Hamstrings, anterior shoulder, and hip flexors Ankles that DO NOT Dorsiflex
Leaving Power Behind This athlete is not too uncommon Performance limited Often injured
New Era ELECTRONICS YES I AM YELLING!!! DEMO posture We are taking this kid to war with us
Corrections for Shoulder, Mid back and Head I AM A HUGE FAN OF THE FOAM ROLLER Yes that was me yelling again !!!!! Mid back mobility with extension over the roller Please take notes here. I have not seen a video on the web that shows this the way I want it done. Roll, extend, T1/T2, and shoulder extension
Active Stretch for Posture Correction I have my own version of this Take note of my demonstration because the video is different. I’m not correcting the exercise because I think it is wrong Changing it for practical purposes
Loosen the Hamstrings PNF stretches- take notes ( hams, hip flex) Single leg hinging- with assistance, without assist and with weight. Watch this kid who moves like this…..
Hip Flexors Core Assisted Hip ….. Take notes please PNF Standing Hip Flexor and Psoas Watch for the kid who moves like this……
Ankle Dorsiflexion Test….. Take notes again. Athlete on single knee Foot to be tested 4 inches from the wall Glide knee forward without lifting heel and while keeping knee over foot Corrections – if ankle mobility problem only here is your correction If both knees “collapse” too then here is fix
Ankle Mobility Videos chain_dorsiflexion
On to the Hip Hinge Another take it for granted movement Abnormal involves the lumbar spine as the prime/initial mover Normal is hip movement while maintaining a neutral lumbar curve. Watch for ……
Corrections Remember these from earlier…. Single leg dead lifts…. Kneeling hip hinge… take notes Hip Hinge with assist Weight hinge Kettle bell swings
Neuromuscular Pulsing Exercises
SIT UPS Our Dept of Defense has FINALLY got rid of the “speed sit-up” to its fit test. Let’s train the core the right way
Ankle Dorsiflexion chain_dorsiflexion
Core stability with_lateral_resistance
Summary We focused on the main mobility/posture problems we humans have. From being seated and flexed forward we get tight mid backs, shoulders and head forward posture We have tight hams and hip flexors and lack of ankle dorsiflexion
Corrections PNF stretches for hams and hip flexors Foam roller for hams, hip flexors, shoulders and mid back Strap for hip flexors and ankle dorisflexion
Stabilize These Problems With Rolling pattern, hip hinging standing/kneeling, weighted and kettlebell swings
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