Vietnamese orange in the battle of TPP Phuong – Then – Giap - Huong
Outline TPP realized Increase in imported fruits to Vietnam with lower price Impacts on big, medium and small businesses, on farmers How have they prepared for that?
VN – US trade on oranges The United States exported $10.3 million in oranges to Vietnam in 2014. Under the TPP agreement, Vietnam will eliminate the current 20-percent tariff on fresh oranges in four years. Under the TPP agreement, Vietnam will eliminate the current 40-percent tariff on grapefruit in three years. The United States has not exported any grapefruit to Vietnam in recent years. The United States exported $2.6 million in lemons to Vietnam in 2014. Under the TPP agreement, Vietnam will eliminate the current 20-percent tariff on lemons in three years. The United States exported $132,000 in citrus juices to Vietnam in 2014. Under the TPP agreement, Vietnam will eliminate tariffs on citrus juices, currently as high as 25 percent, in five-eight years. (source: United States Department of Agriculture)
1. Seller, grower
Mai, 30 yo, Hung Yen province, grows and sells papaya 70 kg – 100 kg/day, earning 1,5 million VND/day Season over, sells China – exported fruits from Long Bien whole sale market Has no idea about TPP, but confident business not affected thanks to regular customers
2. Business
2 professional sellers from Distributor Incomex, sells a brand of orange from Hoa Binh province, Cao Phong orange High price but guaranteed good quality, clean still has customers, consumption based on habit Professionalism On the way to VietGap, then Global Gap, then export Brand building
3. Customer
No idea about TPP Regular customer despite high price, doesn’t like imported oranges because of the taste If imported oranges got lower price, same quality, then maybe will buy it
Who to interview next: Foreign expert on trade (American, Australian, New Zealander..) Vietnamese official of Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Investment and Rural Development Conclusion: ?