IFAD assisted- Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Programme (A Joint venture of IFAD, GoI & GoCG) Implemented by- Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Society Prepared for DV documentation workshop 15-17 March 2006
Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Programme IFAD assisted Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Programme The total duration of the project is 8 years. The Mid-term Review is just over in the month of February 2006 after completion of it’s 3 years of the pilot phase. In this pilot phase project was covering 114 villages in 9 blocks of 3 districts in Chhattisgarh state. Chhattisgarh is one of the three states in India with the highest proportion of tribal people and the criteria of selecting the programme villages is to target total tribal population ought to be more than 50% and the BPL households are not less than 50%. Total 51,000 HHs are targeted in 650 villages in scaling-up phase of the project. The project focuses on marginal households, women, landless people, hill cultivators and tribal groups. The project enables tribal people to participate in their own development process and focuses on household food security and improved livelihood opportunities.
Chhattisgarh TDP - Project Area District Block Surguja 1 Kusmi 2 Shankargarh 3 Lundra 4 Mainpat 5 Udaipur Jashpur 6 Manora 7 Bagicha 8 Patthalgaon Raigarh 9 Dharmjaigarh 1 2 3 7 6 5 4 8 9
Aims of Programme The Programme aims at implementing and developing a replicable model of ensuring household food security and improving livelihood opportunities and overall quality of life of the tribal population based on sustainable and equitable use of natural resources. Empowering Communities and building the capabilities of the poorest and most vulnerable people including women and other marginalized sections Increasing access to sustainable livelihoods through better natural resources management, and Increasing opportunities for non-farm work for the poor and landless..
Livelihood System Enhancement Programme Components Grassroot Empowerment Leadership Development through constitution of people/grassroot institutions Technical Capacity Building through trainings Livelihood System Enhancement On-farm Activities Technology Generation and transfer of knowledge through Farmer Field Schools (Collaboration with ICRISAT, BAIF Dev. Research Foundation etc) Off-farm Activities Livestock Development Aquaculture Development Community based Forest Management Rural Micro-finance Programme Management, Action Learning, Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Health & Nutrition
Use of Digital Audio-Video Documentation in the project Use of Digital Audio-Video Documentation in the project (a powerful medium to leave an impact………) Since the project stated functioning we used to hire local institutions for making films with the source of raw footage provided by project and their own. Aim of making these films are- Supervision of the progress, success stories, interviews, problems in project area etc. Orientation of project and exploring the project activities amongst the local representatives, government officials and various line departments. Exposure and experience sharing by displaying the films with success stories amongst the beneficiaries of the project Documentary films in social and health issues in local language Each film is one hour package containing the information in various social and health issues in an entertainment manner by including folk and regional film songs and anchor. This film has been displaying during local haats in market day
Impacts noticed Beneficiaries are encouraged by watching themselves in video film. There is a very big demand of this film amongst the villagers to display in their family functions. People representative / democrats, government officials, various line departments are aware about the project and its activities. Tracking with videos make a picture of outcome and impact of the project
Challenges No expertise in working with this DV tools. Lack of manpower for this specific job Lack of provision of funds in this head to buy appropriate equipments for this purpose. Buying the expensive software. Managing times by the project staff for this DV documentation practices
To maximizing of the use DV tool in future activity we require A detailed DV documentation training to technical staff of the projects by local institutions. Providing sufficient equipments and software in absence of provision of funds in this budget head in the projects or by managing other financial resources.
IFAD Thanks and to ENRAP for facilitating technical support and knowledge management