Alpine Tundra
The arctic and alpine tundra cover 16% of the Earths surface The arctic and alpine tundra cover 16% of the Earths surface. Alpine biomes are found in mountain regions worldwide such as the Andes, Alps and rocky mountains. Its windy, cold and the sunlight at these high altitudes is very strong.
Animals A mountain goat can climb very high altitudes. The arctic hare is also found in the arctic tundra and the tundra. This is an arctic owl that lives on mountains where it is colder. This is an Elk that is found at the bottom of mountains. This place is called the Taiga. The chickaree is a red or pine squirrel that the grizzly bear eats. Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep are found in The Alpine Tundra.
The Weather And Climate. The snowline on the mountains usually start at about 10,000 feet (3000 metres) because when the altitude increases it gets colder. The Alpine Tundra is fairly dry, with an average of 12 inches (30cm) of rainfall every year. In Winter the temperature drops dramatically and can go well below freezing. The weather in the Alpine Tundra can range from 40 –60 F (4.5 – 15.5 degrees Celsius)
Plants There are only about 200 species of plants in the alpine plants. The wind in the alpine tundra is so strong that plants have short stems so the wind doesn’t break them and blow them away. Plants in the alpine tundra protect themselves from the cold and wind by hugging close to the ground. At the high altitudes where plants live, there is very little carbon dioxide which is needed for photosynthesis. This is a plant that is found on the mountains in the alpine tundra. It is called Lichen. Lichens are known as a special group of fungi. Lichenised fungi.
People and the Biome. The coniferous forest called the taiga, which is located below mountains, is threatened due to logging and mining by humans. People in the alpine tundra have been moving to nearby towns, to build roads, and have started to live in the harsh environment. The alpine tundra has animals which are endangered such as the snow leopard which is killed for its fur. The Sherpas, who you have probably heard of, are mountaineers who help people climb mountains such as Mount Everest. The Sherpas are adapted to live in the alpine biome.
Facts. Alpine animals adapt to the cold by hibernating and insulating their bodies with layers of fat and fur. Alpine animals also have larger lungs, more blood cells and blood that can deal with the lower levels of oxygen. The Winter season in the alpine tundra lasts from October to May, and the Summer season may last from June to September. One of the trees that live in this severe biome, is called the Ancient Bristlecone Pine, which can live to be over 4000 years old!
Lots of animals in the alpine tundra are endangered, but especially the snow leopard which is killed for its fur and bones for medicine. If we continue to kill animals, the alpine biome will not be the same as it is today…. Could you help?
The End. By Evie Meegan and Emma Whitaker-Pitts.