Miao Jiang / Vladimir Vinogradsky Bolster your digital transformation with Azure API Management
Bolster your digital transformation with Azure API Management Miao Jiang, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Vladimir Vinogradsky, Principal Lead Program Manager, Microsoft
Agenda APIs and digital transformation API Management in a nutshell Demo: a lap around Futures
What’s in common? APIs Internet of Things Mobile Machine Learning Cloud Computing Software as a Service Blockchain
“APIs make digital society and digital business work; they are the basis of every digital strategy.” From the Gartner research note “Top 10 Things CIOs Need to Know About APIs and the API Economy” By Paolo Malinverno, Kristin R. Moyer, Mark O'Neill, Mike Gilpin Published 25 January 2017
Strategic value of APIs User engagement Ecosystems Multi-speed IT Mobility User experience Crowdsourcing Business models Channels Integrations Agility Empowerment Productivity Based on Gartner research note “Articulating the Business Value of APIs” Anne Thomas and Kristin R. Moyer 24 March 2016
API Management - a hub for enterprise APIs Discover Learn On-board Try Get support SDKs and samples 1st and 3rd party apps Abstract Secure & protect Evolve Monitor Analyze Productize Monetize Consume Publis h Mediate Azure portal Gateway Developer portal API managers and developers App developers APIs on Azure and outside
Façade and front door Developer portal Gateway Azure portal Consume App developers Gateway Mediate contosoapi-foo.azurewebsites.com 1st and 3rd party apps Azure portal APIs on Azure and outside Publish API managers and developers
Façade and front door Gateway Mediate 1st and 3rd party apps contosoapi-foo.azurewebsites.com 1st and 3rd party apps api.contoso.com/foo contoso.azure-api.net/foo contosoapi-bar.azurewebsites.com
Policies Encapsulate common API management functions Access control, Protection, Transformation, Caching, … Chained together into a pipeline Mutate request context or change API behavior Set in the inbound and outbound directions Can be triggered on error Applied at a variety of scopes
Policy scopes global GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1 Host: api.constoso.com Key: 0123456789 global CORS LOG product 0123456789 RATE QUOTA from caller to backend inbound api /foo JWT operation /bar CACHE URL BODY to caller from backend outbound
Policy expressions C# “snippets” embedded in policy documents Have read-only access to the request context Can only use whitelisted .NET types Dynamically configure and conditionally execute policies
Security and protection Username/Password Microsoft account Google account Facebook account Twitter account Azure AD (Premium) Azure AD B2C (Premium) Delegated Developer portal Consume App developers Key OAuth 2 OpenID Connect Client certificate IP filter Rate limits and quotas HTTP Basic Mutual certificate Shared secret IP filter VNET/NSG Gateway Mediate 1st and 3rd party apps Azure portal Azure account RBAC APIs on Azure and outside Publish API managers and developers
VNETs and Hybrid Developer portal Gateway Azure portal Consume App developers VNET Gateway Mediate 1st and 3rd party apps Azure portal APIs on Azure and outside Publish API managers and developers
VNETs and Hybrid VPN VNET Gateway Mediate 1st and 3rd party apps
Multi-region and scaling 27 public regions in Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia 6 US government and DoD regions (preview) Soon coming to China! North Europe Standard 1 unit
Multi-region and scaling North Europe Standard 3 units 1 unit
Multi-region and scaling Central US North Europe Premium 1 unit remote Standard 1 unit home 3 units Native integration!
Multi-region and scaling Central US North Europe Premium 2 units remote 1 unit remote 1 unit home Native integration!
A lap around DEMO
Magic behind the magic Power BI Azure API Management
Azure API Management Analytics Power BI Solution Template http://aka.ms/apimpbi Runs on your subscription for less than $10/day Provisioned automatically Event Hubs, Stream Analytics, Azure SQL are all scalable to meet high traffic demands Don’t like it? Just remove the APIM Policy and delete the resource group All source shared and maintained on GitHub Tell us what works and what you need!
+200% +870% +261% 8K 43.7B 65K Accounts Calls APIs Build 2015 9/11/2018 9:46 AM Calls APIs +200% +870% +261% 8K 43.7B 65K © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Product velocity Implement and Test Deploy and Run Version and Retire http://aka.ms/apimroadmap Product velocity Implement and Test Deploy and Run Version and Retire Integrated OpenAPI Editor XSLT and template transformation policies Versions API mocking Retry and concurrency control policies Revisions SOAP and SOAP2REST Secret and cert management in Key Vault Change log Composite APIs out of Functions Identity federation with Azure AD B2C Versioning schemes Workflow as an API with Logic Apps Internal VNET configuration Versions from revisions Microservices gateway for Service Fabric Logging, monitoring and alerting Custom analytics reports and dashboards Multiple custom hostnames in Premium OpenID Connect support
Azure API Management Cloud hosted, turnkey, fully managed 9/11/2018 9:46 AM Azure API Management Cloud hosted, turnkey, fully managed Works with APIs running in the cloud or on-prem Abstracts, protects and optimizes APIs Promotes and supports app developer engagement Provides API governance, insights, and analytics © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Stay in touch http://aka.ms/apimwish http://aka.ms/apimroadmap Ask questions http://aka.ms/apimwish (The) Product roadmap http://aka.ms/apimroadmap Service updates, among other things http://aka.ms/apimblog GitHub repo with sample policies http://aka.ms/apimpolicyexamples Hands-on walkthroughs http://aka.ms/cadlabs Tutorial, documentation, and references http://aka.ms/apidocs
“Differentiation does not come from building your own API management platform. It comes from the APIs you publish to your ecosystems of developers, and how motivated they are to realize application constructs that turn into a business advantage for you.” From the Gartner research note “Top 10 Things CIOs Need to Know About APIs and the API Economy” By Paolo Malinverno, Kristin R. Moyer, Mark O'Neill, Mike Gilpin Published 25 January 2017