Elimination of Non-Functional Turf Elizabeth Lovsted October 12, 2017
Approach Proposed revisions to the allocation based rate Landscape plan checks for new development Incentive and education programs
Definition Non-Functional Areas: landscape areas primarily used for aesthetic purposes including, but not limited to front yards, median strips, and parkways.
Proposed Revisions to the Allocation Based Tiered Rate Residential Conservation Factor (CF) Prior to 2011, CF = 0.8 2011- May 2015, CF = 0.7 After June 1, 2015, CF = 0.5 All other accounts CF Prior to June 2015, CF = 0.7 The conservation factor can be adjusted up to 1.00 for functional areas at the discretion of the District. Turf (cool season) Street Trees Fruit Trees Mediterranean plants Calif. Native plants 100% Special Landscapes 1.00 Pre 2008 Residential .80 Pre 2015 Commercial .70 New Residential .55 New Commercial .45 40% 20% 60% 80% Eto Plant Water Needs: MWELO
Process Updating and identify types of landscaping for EMWD large landscape account Functional turf areas Non-functional turf areas Planters/other areas Utilize information for: Allocation revisions Track landscape changes and conservation programs Customer outreach and education
Sample Site
Landscape Plan Checks for New Development New CF implemented in June 2015 Worked with cities, county, and Building Industry Association Required updated EMWD and land agency plan check All new development receives a review of landscape Residential budget review completed by conservation staff Other plan checks completed by landscape consultant
Incentive and Education Programs Drip Replacement Residential Spray-to-Drip Retrofit Kit Cost share program Commercial Drip Rebate Program $0.50/square-foot rebate to convert sprinklers to drip Residential Landscape Guidebook – Available Fall 2017 Qualified Water Efficient Landscape program Potential Grant Funding
Turf Replacement Grant-funded program SAWPA Drought Funding Round Requested an additional $598,000 Public school program Extended to September 2018 Upper Santa Margarita Watershed Prop 84 Final Round Targeted marketing - Open to grant eligible projects only Funding amounts Public agencies will receive up to $2 per square-foot HOAs will receive up to $1.50 per square-foot
Recently Completed Turf Replacement Projects Watershed Customer Turf Replaced (SF) Rebate Amount Upper Santa Margarita Watershed Valley Wide 108,870 $217,740.00 County of Riverside 34,357 $68,714.00 City of Murrieta 76,245 $152,490.00 Subtotal 219,472 $438,944.00 Santa Ana Regional Watershed Moreno Valley 87,232 $174,464.00 City of Menifee 238,431 $476,862.00 Sun City Villas 83,389 $125,083.50 City of Hemet 52,238 $104,476.00 461,290 $880,885.50 TOTAL 680,762 $1,319,829.50
Continuous customer outreach and education Next Steps Propose allocation-based tiered rate changes Continue to update customer database/measurement Continue new development plan check and budget reviews Complete grant funded turf replacement programs Continue to look for partnerships/highly visible sights Continuous customer outreach and education
Contact Information Elizabeth Lovsted Director of Water Supply Planning (951) 928-3777 Ext. 4307 Email: lovstede@emwd.org