IHE PCD 2015 Spring F2F Profile Updates ACM, MEMDMC, MEMLS Monroe Pattillo – PHI, LLC
Alert Communication Management (ACM) Status: Final Text, in current PCD TF, was in 2015 NA C’thon, was in 2015 HIMSS Showcase, was in 2014 AAMI PCD Demonstration Change Proposals Resurrect optional PCD-05 Report Alert Dissemination Status transaction using HL7 v2.8 PRT segment (aligns with updated 60601-1-8 and ITI mACM) Resurrect optional Recipients in PCD-04 using HL7 v2.8 PRT segment (aligns with use of ACM for Nurse Call and ITI mACM) Work this cycle: Updated PCD TF version will contain ACM updates Related Works: IHE ITI mACM Dominant use cases: Minimal to mass notification, Appointment reminders Borrows heavily from PCD ACM, primarily AM and AC actors and use of WCTP for AM – AC protocol Biggest different is use of FHIR Flag resource instead of HL7 v2.6 based PCD-04 for Report Alert transaction (dissatisfaction voiced) FHIR Flag resource nowhere near as complete as current ACM PCD-04 containment Use of different protocol will require AM actor development which will delay initial availability Additional difference is that instead of push based PCD-05 for Report Alert Dissemination Status they’ll use FHIR based query (dissatisfaction voiced) Polling for updates is less efficient and introduces delay in updates
Medical Equipment Management – Device Management Communication (MEMDMC) Status: Trial Implementation (TI), was in 2015 NA C’thon, was in 2014 AAMI PCD Demonstration Change Proposals Move equipment name from OBX-18 to OBX-5 Indicate OBX-11 as F, not R Work this cycle: Produce updated version of MEMDMC TI Create MDC inputs for 10101b (TBD)
Medical Equipment Management – Location Services (LS) Status: Trial Implementation (TI), was in 2015 NA C’thon, was in 2015 HIMSS Showcase, was in 2014 AAMI PCD Demonstration Change Proposals Move equipment name from OBX-18 to OBX-5 Add optional indications of accuracy to base + offset LS observations Indicate OBX-11 as F, not R Clarify present of PRT segment (TBD) Definition of Base in Base + Offset observations (TBD) Roll up of current triggers and attributes, incl Mother-Baby (TBD) Work this cycle: Produce updated version of MEMLS TI Create MDC inputs for 10101b (TBD) Investigations Identify base definition requirements for base + offset LS observations Base can be AutoCAD (proprietary) file or graphical image file Research DARPA work on use of GPS satellite reception fix based waypoint followed by inertial navigation based observations using GPS elements Use of inertial navigation should have no affect on MEMLS as it already supports GPS data Related Works: IEEE p1847 LS for Healthcare Adjusted their focus and goals based upon work already done by MEMLS