Unit 3 Day 8 (1864) Quote: “this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” - Abraham Lincoln (1863) Focus Question(s): How did the actions of political and military leaders influence the Civil War? Specified Content: General Grant, Petersburg, Monocacy, Franklin, Nashville, Sherman’s March to the Sea State Standards: Strand 1 Concept 6 PO 2
1864 March 1864, General Grant is put in command of all Union Armies. He moves his headquarters to the East and orders the Union army to aggressively attack Lee’s Confederate Army in Virginia.
Between May and June Lee’s Army will be pushed further south Between May and June Lee’s Army will be pushed further south. In June Lee’s army will be under siege around the city of Petersburg, VA. The siege will last for 10 months.
July 11th and 12th Battle of Fort Stevens, MD: A Confederate army comes within sight of Washington D.C. before being forced to retreat back into Virginia.
Battles of Franklin and Nashville: Confederate Army of Tennessee will be shattered by defeats at Franklin and Nashville in November and December.
In the West a Union army commanded by General Sherman is able to capture Atlanta, Georgia and then on to Savannah. In “Sherman’s March to the Sea” his army will lay waste to everything in their path.