The Benefits and Challenges of Raising Third Culture Kids
This Evening Introductions Definitions Why is it important to understand what it is like to be a TCK? Benefits and Challenges – group work – sharing experiences Strategies – how do we best support our children and families?
Introductions Student Support Services Department Guidance Counsellor – Mrs Natasha Parent Introductions - Favourite place you have lived in and why?
Third Culture Kids and Global Nomads (TCKs - 0-2.36 Minutes)
Definition of Third Culture Kids TCKs “A third culture kid is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside their parents’ culture” Pollock Van Reken
What is this THIRD CULTURE? Children integrate part of their birth culture (linked to place and / or parents) and the culture where they are living to develop and take on a new, third culture The third culture is both similar to and different from the original two cultures.
Other Terminology Global Nomads Internationally Mobile Children Cross Cultural Kids (CCK)
What are your TCK family experiences?
Why do we at KICS need to understand TCKs? Personalised learning Need to understand not just learning styles but the whole child. Each child has a unique story/history For many of our students their story is largely related to their TCK story/history.
You know you are a TCK when…. A visa is a stamp in your passport, not a plastic card in your wallet; You go home for vacation; You sort your friends by continent; You flew before you could walk; You speak with authority on the quality of airline travel.
Benefits and Challenges Often described as being like the opposite sides of the same coin E.g. High mobility of TCK lives often results in special friendships with people throughout the world, but is also creates sadness at the chronic loss of these relationships. The very pain, however, provides the opportunity to develop a greater empathy for others.
Third Culture Kids and Global Nomads (Benefits and Challenges–2. 37-10 Third Culture Kids and Global Nomads (Benefits and Challenges–2.37-10.40 Minutes)
Benefits and Challenges for TCKs and families Group Work Benefits and Challenges for TCKs and families
Expanded worldview versus confused loyalties Grow up in a multiplicity of countries and cultures experiencing first hand many geographical differences but also how people view life from different cultural, philosophical and political perspectives BUT Can leave a sense of confusion about complex issues such as politics, patriotism and values
Three dimensional view of the world versus painful view of reality Live in various cultures - not only learn about cultural differences but also experience the world in a tangible way - smells, sounds etc. BUT With this three-dimensional view of the world, however, comes the painful reality that behind the stories in the news are real flesh and blood people – not merely flat faces on a TV screen.
Cross-cultural enrichment versus ignorance of the home culture A sense of ownership and interest in cultures other than just their passport country BUT The irony of collecting cross-cultural practices and skills is that they may know all sorts of fascinating things about other countries but little about their own. Often ignorant of national, local and family history.
Third Culture Kids and Global Nomads (Strategies- 10.41-12.20 Minutes)
Building a strong foundation What are family needs that require attention regardless of location? What are the policies of the sending agency or corporation? How will existing family patterns and relationships be affected by the move? Do both parents favour the move? How does the family – and individuals in it – handle stress?
Be Informed…..
The Transition Cycle Engagement (home) Disengagement Transition Reengagement Engagement (next home)
Be Informed….UnUUn Understand stages of culture shock
Be Informed….
OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS IN OTHER LANGUAGES Other Book Titles… Raising Global Nomads by Robin Pascoe Taxi by Anika Smit A Broad Abroad – The Expat Wife’s Guide to Successfully Living Abroad Portable Identity – A Woman’s Guide to Maintaining a Sense of Self While Moving Overseas A Moveable Marriage – Relocate Your Relationship Without Breaking It. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS IN OTHER LANGUAGES
Websites TCK World: The Official Home of TCKs A site specifically for kids
Finally….. Develop family traditions Build strong ties with extended family and friends in situ and ‘at home’ Return to the same ‘home (s)’ as much as possible
Enjoy the journey and communicate Where do we go from here? Summary document Enjoy the journey and communicate Recommendations for other workshops specific to TCKs or other issues.
So Where is Home? (9.14 minutes)