Introduction to SQA malpractice procedures Steve Borley Head of Strategic Planning & Governance
Setting the context Working together is the best way to deal with malpractice and help prevent it happening in future Progress is evident: SQA’s and centres’ procedures are being applied more frequently Malpractice: information for centres published in January 2017 This replaces all previous SQA malpractice policy and procedure documents
Malpractice: information for centres URL Contains information an all malpractice in one place Covers centre and candidate; internal and external assessment Four key sections…..
Malpractice: information for centres Part A – General Information Definitions Minimising risk Working with SQA Part B – Candidate Malpractice Types How to respond Retention of records (3 years & 6 years)
Malpractice: information for centres Part C – Centre Malpractice Types Reporting Investigations Part D – Appeals Against Malpractice Decisions Different types of appeal Regulated qualifications and the regulator
The Malpractice Panel For Candidate and Centres Malpractice, SQA convenes a Malpractice Panel Senior, experienced staff Different people from those who investigate The Panel Reviews the investigation Decides if malpractice has occurred Determines any action
Working together – a case study Internal verification processes raised malpractice concerns relating to one assessor in internal assessments Concerns included over-direction, inconsistent marking and breach of assessment security Centre quality manager sought advice from SQA Malpractice & Complaints team
Working together – a case study SQA and centre agreed that the centre should investigate and report its findings to SQA SQA malpractice panel considered findings along with other relevant information Panel confirmed malpractice and endorsed the centre’s proposed actions including re-assessment Centre also progressed a separate employment investigation
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