Binary & Tertiary Ionic Compounds Nomenclature SC1d. Use IUPAC nomenclature for both chemical names and formulas: Ionic Compounds Covalent Compounds Acidic Compounds
Naming Binary Ionic Compounds Rule 1) Write the charge of the cation and anion. Rule 2) Name the cation first. Based on the charge, include any Roman Numeral designation if necessary. Rule 3) Name the root of the anion second followed by the –ide ending.
Binary Ionic Compounds Example 1) Na1+Cl1- Example 2) Cu1+O2-
Naming Tertiary Ionic Compounds Rule 1) Write the charge of the cation and anion. Rule 2) Name the cation first. Based on the charge, include any Roman Numeral designation if necessary. Rule 3a) Monatomic: Name the root of the anion second followed by the –ide ending. Rule 3b) Polyatomic: Name the polyatomic ion
Tertiary Ionic Compounds Example 1) Ca2+(CO3)2- Example 2) (NH4)31+(PO4)3- Example 3) (NH4)1+Cl1-