The Phonecians
Snail Mail Snails on the coastal area of Tyre Produced a rich, purple dye Purple cloth-high cost; signified wealth Dense cedar forests provided wood 1100-800 B.C.: Phonecia was a great sea power Horrible monsters: Don’t trade!
Set Sail!
How Bazaar, How Bazaar! Trade: to Tyre and Sidon at bazaars Foods: honey, figs, olives, spices Exotic animals: giraffes and warthogs from Africa; bears from Europe
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP! Alphabet: set a symbols that represents the sounds of language 22 symbols Easier than cuneiform Made sea trade more efficient “Where your wares came from the seas, you satisfied many peoples. With your great wealth and Merchandise, you enriched the kings of the earth”
The Israelites
Father Abraham Had Many Sons! The Hebrews Torah: the first five books of the Bible Abraham: monotheism: belief in one god Mono-Greek prefix for “one” “And I will make of you a great nation” Famine across the land of Canaan Famine= a time when there is so little food That many people starve Went to Egypt
The Land of Milk and Honey The Exodus; 40 years Ten Commandments Golden Calf King David: capital in Jerusalem After Solomon’s death: kingdom spilt into two Northern kingdom was Israel Southern kingdom was Judah
GET OUT! Exile: force people to live in another place or country 722 B.C. Israelites resisted Assyrian rule Assyrians controlled Judah until 612 B.C. Then the Assyrians were conquered by the Chaldeans 587 B.C. Chaldean King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and exiled the people of Judah to Babylonia