Happy Birthday Olivia! Oct. 24th October Welcome Fall! Happy Halloween! In this month, we will learn about… Autumn/Fall Harvest Shapes and Color Writing names on the lines God’s children I can… put on my own coat raise my hand and wait for my turn name all the colors name all the 2D shapes name all the 3D shapes create new colors from mixing other colors use the lines (sky, airplane, grass and worm lines) to guide me in writing my name “Specials” Tuesdays, Wednesday, Fridays regular school uniforms Mondays and Thursday gym uniforms Mon: Gym 9:40-10:10am Tues: Music 9:45-10150am Wed: Spanish 11:00-11:30am Thurs: Gym 9:40-10:10am Fri: Spanish 9:45-10:15am Reminders Fri., Oct. 7th- NO SCHOOL Mon., Oct. 10th- COLUMBUS DAY, NO SCHOOL Fri., Oct., 14th- KID-A-THON Each child must have a chaperone (rain date Fri. 10/21) Tues., Oct. 18th- Picture Day FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM Pumpkin Picking in the City TBA Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday Olivia! Oct. 24th