Erythrocytes (RBCs) Figure 17.3
Haemoglobin Definition: - It is the principal constitute (33% ) of RBCs - It is a red pigment which gives the blood its red colour Normal levels: - Infant at birth 20 gm/dl - Infant after one week 15.5gm/dl - Children (3-12 years) =11-14 gm/dl - Adult male 13-18 gm/dl - Adult female 11.5 -16 gm/dl
Structure: 1) Globin: 2 pairs of polypeptide chains (2 and 2 ) 2) 4 Haem: each is an iron-protoporphyrin : - 4 pyrrole rings protoporphyrin - protoporphyrin + Fe++ haem
Structure of Hemoglobin Figure 17.4
Functions - Carriage of O2 & CO2 - Strong buffer system Reactions of Hb - Oxyhemoglobin: O2 bind with iron in ferrous state . It is called oxygenation not oxidation - Met Hb: strong oxidation by certain drugs or oxidizing agents ferric state which can not carry O2. Dusky coluoration of skin like cyanosis
Carboxy Hb: carbon monoxide is a toxic gas and attached to Fe++ instead of O2. It has high affinity to Fe++ (210 times as O2). Carbamino Hb: normally CO2 attached to the amino group of globin part of Hb.
Types of Hb 1-Adult (HbA): 2 chain (each is consisted of 141 amino acids) and 2 chain (146 amino acids).(97.5% of adult Hb.) 2-HbA2: 2 chains and 2 delta (146 amino acids) chains which differ from -chains in the terminal 10 amino acids. 3-Fetal Hb (HbF): It is the type of Hb in the human fetus. It is usually replaced by adult Hb after birth . It contain 2 and 2 gamma (146 amino acids) chains which differ from -chains in 37 amino acids.
4-Glycosylated Hb: (3-7% of Hb) glucose is attached to terminal valine amino acid in -chain. This value increases in cases of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. 5-HbS:: It is abnormal type of Hb due to congenital abnormality of -globin in which the amino acid No. 6 (glutamic acid ) is substituted by valine amino acid in the -chain hemoglobin -S (sickle cell anemia).
Destruction of RBCs - The life span of RBCs is 120 days - Old RBCs are destroyed in narrow capillaries and spleen Hb released and splits by the cells of the reticuloendothelial system into globin & haem. - Globin is used in protein metabolism - Haem losses its iron to be stored as ferritin. - The protoporphyrin part of haem bile pigments
RBCs laboratory tests (A) RBCs count: By Haemocytometer Normally - In newly borns = 6 -8 millions/mm3 - In children = 4 – 5 million/mm3 - In adult male = 4.5 - 6.5 million/mm3 - Female = 4-5.8 million/mm3 Increase in: hypoxia & polycythaemia Decrease in: anaemia
(B) RBCs volume (Haematocrit value) (packed cell volume) It is the volume of RBCs contained in 100 ml of blood. Normally - In adult male = 47% (42-54%) - In adult female = 42% (37-47% - In children = 36-44 % - In newly borns = 50-58 %
Plasma (55% of whole blood) Buffy coat: leukocyctes and platelets (<1% of whole blood) Formed elements Erythrocytes (45% of whole blood) 1 2 Centrifuge Withdraw blood and place in tube Figure 17.1
Importance of Haematocrit value: Increases by: - increased RBCs (polycythaemia) - decreased plasma :(dehydration or hemo-concentration as after burn) Decreases by: - decreased RBCs (anaemia) - increased plasma (overhydration)
physiologically hematocrit value is increased in: venous blood than in arterial blood as RBCs volume is larger in venous blood (due to chloride shift phenomenon ) large vessels due to skimming phenomenon as RBCs prefer to pass in large vessels than in small blood vessels - newborn as he contains more RBCs due to relative ischemia during intrauterine life.
(C) Hemoglobin content By Sahli-Adam’s hemometer. Normally - in Male = 14-17 gm/100 ml blood - in Female = 12-15 gm/100 ml blood Decreased in anemia Increased in polycythymia
(D) Saline fragility test (Osmotic fragility test) - If the RBCs are put in hypotonic solution, H2O pass inside RBCs the cells swell and rupture (hemolysed). - Normal RBCs show partial hemolysis at 0.45% NaCl and complete hemolysis at 0.35%. More fragility occurs in: - Infant RBCs, old RBCs, venous RBCs (have big size), CO2 and acidity, Spherocytosis Less fragility occurs in sickle cell anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia.
(E) Erythrocytic sedimentation rate (ESR) It is the rate of RBCs sedimentation in a vertical blood column at end of one and two hours. RBCs sediment because: -Their density is more than plasma. -They tend to form rouleaux shapes, in which ratio of mass to surface area is increased causing sedimentation Normal value At 1st hour 2nd hour - Male 3-5 mm 7-12 mm - Female 4-7 mm 12-17 mm
Factors affecting E.S.R 1- Plasma fibrinogen and globulin rouleaux formation by reduction –ve charges on RBCs less repellent forces sedementation rate 2- RBCs count. It decreases in polycythemia and increased in anemia. Increases in: Physiological: during menstruation, pregnancy & exercise. Pathological : Tissue destruction and inflammation due to increased fibrinogen and globulins as in: *- Acute and chronic infections *- Severe trauma *- Malignant tumors *- Rheumatic conditions *- Myocardial infarction (3) Anaemia ESR is important as prognostic test not diagnostic test