Election Situation Room Professional Development Training Welcome Election Situation Room Professional Development Training AfRO
Objectives of the course Build professionalism (skills, Knowledge and attitude) relating to standards, principles, practices and processes involved in ESR Analyse challenges and prospects of ESR as accountability enhancing mechanism To introduce ESR Course as a capacity enhancing tool Enhance leadership competencies in sustainable election management Enhance Knowledge on logistics requirements in planning and implementation of an ESR
the principles, skills and challenges involved in the conduct of To give insights into the principles, skills and challenges involved in the conduct of properly implemented ESR 3
5-day agenda DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 Fundamental concepts and elements in an ESR Planning and preparation for an ESR Implementation design of an ESR Dynamics in an ESR ESR data management and evaluation methods
Fundamental concepts and elements in an ESR DAY 1 Fundamental concepts and elements in an ESR
1.1.1 Electoral cycle
1.1.2 Electoral cycle Legal parameters governing electoral processes Human capacity for effective management of the electoral process Planning and material resource management Implementation of events Sustainability of all essential elements in the electoral process Standards and principles guiding the management of the electoral process
1.2.1 Importance of ESR scenario building Scenario building is essential for: 1 Anticipating the uncertainties, risks and constraints to the electoral process which could be encountered; and 2 Developing strategies to counter or mitigate them.
1.2.2 ESR scenario building exercise Categories: Group 1: Security Group 2: Logistics Group 3: Natural disaster Group 4: Legal/political changes Discuss your group’s Scenario and prepare a presentation that includes: A description of the scenario An impact assessment Strategies/responses to counter/mitigate the scenario
1.3.1 What is election observation? Discuss the following: What is the meaning of election observation? What are the main activities involved? Explain the various types of election observation. What are some of the benefits of traditional election observation? What are some of the drawbacks of traditional election observation?
1.3.2 Definition of election observation My First Template 1.3.2 Definition of election observation The purposeful gathering of information with respect to an electoral process, and making informed judgments on the conduct of such a process on the basis of the information collected, by persons who are not authorized to intervene in the process. Deployment, observing, report writing Domestic, international, long-term and short-term “The presence of observers at the polling and the count have a calming effect on the election atmosphere and is believed to promote the transparency of both the polling and counting of the ballots” (Carl Dundas) Election observation has attracted too many groups, many of whom do amateurish work
1.4 Definition of ESR ESR is an information sharing platform between civil society groups working on elections to strengthen collaboration, advocacy and provide rapid responses to correct dysfunctions in the management of the electoral process. ESR
1.5 Advantages of ESR + As far as results, effects and impact are concerned, ESR provides specific elements that are not so obvious or easy to produce through other approaches: Improving the reliability of data; Facilitating quick data analysis and exploitation; Reducing data discrepancies among observation missions; Ensuring timely correction of identified shortcomings and malfunctions; Creating synergy and unity through the unprecedented gathering, in one place, of a wide variety of domestic election observation missions; Strengthening the credibility of civil society; Mobilizing the expertise of several civil society components; Rendering election results credible, as the case may be; Informing and pacifying the public.
1.6.1 Types of ESR initiatives Micro ESR: Macro ESR: this arrangement includes not only the transfer of real data on the voting process, but also monitoring of violence, the media and the attitude of the justice system, and/or monitoring of the participation of women/youth/minority and vulnerable groups limited to either the transfer of real-time data based on ICT and the definition/implementation of rapid response in order to correct failures by the relevant stakeholders.
1.6.2 Fundamental differences between micro- and macro-ESR Micro ESR Macro ESR Focuses on the full electoral process and its impact on a country’s stability, on the role of civil society in entrenching democracy and citizenship Focuses on the period preceding and following immediately polls FOCUS FOCUS ESR designed primarily as an organizational set-up seeking to undertake classical observation through rapid response mechanisms so as to contribute to swift correction of dysfunctions in electoral operations ESR basically designed as a permanent forum for discussion on the electoral process and CSO collaboration on political governance, monitoring of the recommendations and reforms in general DESIGN DESIGN INDICATORS The same as micro ESR, with additional indicators (pre- and post-election phases) stemming from the situation analysis Indicators defined based on the electoral law (focus) INDICATORS COST COST High cost if resources (technical, financial, material) are not pooled and data collection arrangement not eased. Relatively high costs
1.7 Maintaining good relationships with stakeholders Maintain open, two-way communication and dialogue with stakeholders; Share publications such as annual reports, election reports, financial reports and newsletters with all stakeholders; Organize regular information meetings to which stakeholders are invited; Be sensitive to stakeholder needs and concerns; Consider seriously stakeholder views when making decisions; Treat stakeholders equitably, so that none are unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged by EMB activities; Act transparently, with meetings open to scrutiny and follow-up; Maintain the highest standards of ethics, respect for human rights, impartiality and care in its relationships with stakeholders; and Resolve equitably any conflicts between the needs of EMB members and staff, and those of other stakeholders.
1.8 Political/electoral analysis The state of political institutions and power relations The state of political actors – their roles and expectations The state of socio-cultural environment – ethnicity and religion, gender, youth, etc. The state of electoral integrity 01 02 03 04
1.9.1 Do you recommend an ESR in this situation? Read the description of the situation in Lobinatongo in Workbook ESR 1.9.1, and then debate the following: Do you recommend that an ESR be initiated for the upcoming election in Republic of Lobinatongo? If no, why? If yes, under what conditions?
1.9.3 ESR myths and realities The ESR addresses all problems known in an election, through the use of technology The ESR is the best instrument for addressing all election-related issues The ESR is an initiative that promotes regime change The ESR is rather monitoring than observation of elections MYTH The ESR relies on ICT to have real-time data and quickly process them; but it should not be viewed only as technology that solves all the problems in an election. The SRE does not necessarily promote regime change. And that is not its purpose. What matters most is that it can really help to promote and ensure the transparency of the electoral process. The SRE does not solve all problems related to the elections. Other concurrent or alternative approaches are needed to address various issues of an election process. The ESR combines actual election observation with monitoring. REALITY