Equipment ID Slide set 1 of 9 Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Scott Register and Dr. Frank Flanders April 2006 Equipment ID Slide set 1 of 9 Georgia Environmental & Natural Resources CDE
Water Quality Aquatic Samplers’ Wildlife Weather Forestry
Water Quality Equipment
Identify this Tool:
Dissolved Oxygen Meter Answer: Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Identify this Tool:
Answer: pH Meter
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Conductivity Meter
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Hatch Kit
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Thermometer
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Refractometer
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Secchi Disk
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Water Bottle Samplers
Aquatic Samplers’ Equipment
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Aquatic Net
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Plankton Net
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Bottom Dredges
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Sieves
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Seine
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Fish Measuring Board
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Stream Bottle Sampler
Wildlife Equipment
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Binoculars
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Mammal Trap
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Snake Snare
Weather Equipment
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Rain Gauge
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Wind Speed Meter
Identify this Tool:
Maximum and Minimum Thermometer Answer: Maximum and Minimum Thermometer
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Sling Psychrometer
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Barometer
Forestry Equipment
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Tree Increment Borer
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Biltmore Stick
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Prism
Identify this Tool:
Answer: Diameter Tape
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