Mind Stretcher- 3/1/16 A change in the DNA sequence that can be harmful, helpful or make no difference Ribosome Messenger RNA Mutation Transfer RNA
Selective Breeding S7L3. Students will recognize how biological traits are passed on to successive generations. c. Recognize that selective breeding can produce plants or animals with desired traits
”Know” Selective Breeding… choosing two organisms of the same species to mate with the hope of getting the best qualities of each parent to show up in the offspring. Also called “Artificial Selection”
Selective Breeding: Details Selective breeding is used mostly for dogs, cats, other pets, cattle, and crops.
Selective Breeding Example A “Robust” means STRONG & HEALTHY! Tough wild boars mated with friendly meaty pigs give you robust & meaty pigs for your farm. Tough Boar + Meaty Pig = Superpig (strong, tough, meaty pig)
Selective Breeding Example B Santa Gertrudis cattle (cross of 2 breeds) RESULT = good beef and resistant to heat! Brahman cattle: Good resistance to heat, but poor beef. English shorthorn cattle: Good beef but poor heat resistance. hot weather cow + beefy cow = (beefy/hot weather cow)
Selective Breeding: Example C Ancient corn from Peru (~4000 yrs old) Choosing only the best corn plants to use for future seeds = better crops over time.
Selective Breeding Example D = little red + big green = BIG RED TOMATO
Remember: Selective breeding crosses (mates) organisms with desirable traits to produce offspring that have the traits from both parents!
Advantages of Selective Breeding Might get improved organisms Don’t need any special tools or lab Can be performed easily by farmers & breeders
Disadvantages of Selective Breeding Undesirable traits from both parents may appear in the offspring Disease can accumulate in the population deaf dalmatians, boxers with heart disease, labs with hip problems, etc. Genetic disorders become more prominent due to Inbreeding (breeding of closely related family members to increase a particular trait)
Selectively Breeding Cows You may one breed each cow only one time You must say which trait you are hoping to pass on for each cow. EX: I chose Alma for her resistance to weather and I chose the bull, Brutus, for his strong muscles.
Ticket out the Door On your device, login to https://b.socrative.com Type in Room # 53388 #1- Name #2- What you learned (1-2 sentences) #3- True or False? Selective breeding changes the DNA of an organism (the offspring) over generations. **Take turns with the 9 ipads or desktop computer if your device doesn’t load Socrative.
Selective Breeding- PowToons presentation https://youtu.be/CDnsj25h0Ek
REVIEW Genetic Engineering Selective Breeding Keep this side blank…we will complete it soon! Selective Breeding Process has been around for thousands of years Combines the best traits of two organisms Results in organisms that have the desirable traits of their parents
Mind Stretcher 3/2/16 Define selective breeding. 2. True or False? Selective breeding results in organisms with new traits. Choosing 2 of the same species to breed in hopes of getting the best traits of each parent. True
Everything you need to know! Genetic Engineering Everything you need to know! S7L3. Students will recognize how biological traits are passed on to successive generations. c. Recognize that selective breeding can produce plants or animals with desired traits
Know GE involves identifying certain genes and moving them from one organism to another – even to a different species or removing the gene entirely!
Genetic Engineering: Details It produces an organism that has a new trait it would most likely not have developed on its own It is controversial.
Genetic Engineering Example A: Diabetic = a person whose pancreas cannot create the important hormone insulin. Take the gene for making insulin from a healthy donor’s DNA Add that gene to the DNA of pancreas cells from a diabetic Let mitosis happen for a while (in a “test tube”) so you get LOTS of pancreas cells with the good gene. Surgically implant the good cells back into the diabetic Give the insulin gene to diabetics.
Genetic Engineering Example B: Give tomatoes the ability to make anti-freeze. Placing the “anti-freeze gene” from a fish in tomatoes so the tomatoes can still grow in cold weather.
Genetic Engineering Example C: Scientists engineered chickens to be featherless by REMOVING the gene in chicken DNA that causes them to grow feathers Make chickens with no feathers.
GE Example D: (divide box C in half!) Cabbage plant + scorpion venom = bug-proof veggies Scientists added a gene for producing scorpion venom to cabbage plants to kill pesky caterpillars that eat crops!
Remember! Genetic engineering involves the manipulation of genes! Gene: a segment of DNA
What is a Genetically Modified Food? https://youtu.be/JMPE5wlB3Zk
Using the DNA Sequence Knowing the sequence of an organisms DNA (Genome) allows researchers to study specific genes, to compare them with the genes of other organisms, to try to discover the functions of different genes and gene combinations.
Genetic Engineering of insect- resistant corn #2 Use enzymes to cut desired gene loose #1 Identify desired gene #3 Remove undesired gene #4 Insert desired gene into corn
Different techniques are used to… Extract DNA from cells Cut DNA into smaller pieces Identify the sequence of bases in a DNA molecule Make unlimited copies of DNA
DNA Extraction DNA can be extracted from most cells by a simple chemical procedure The cells are opened and the DNA is separated from other parts of the cell
Did You Know? Scientists used a bioluminescent gene from a jellyfish to create “glowing” green mice! Any ideas WHY they would do this?
Why do we make glowing rats? https://youtu.be/Qm5Bj5xNefM
Fun With “Glow” Genes There is an enzyme that makes jellyfish and fireflies “glow” Luciferase Could we take a gene out of an animal and put it in something else? Could we get things that don’t glow, to glow?
Glow - Fish
Glow - Mice
Advantages of Genetic Engineering Will get improved organisms Can create organisms with traits not previously thought possible Can remove “bad” genes Reduces the chance of getting “undesirable” organisms
Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering Co$tly Must be performed in a lab with special equipment Ethical issues May have long term negative affects May have negative environmental impacts
Genetic engineering has few limits - except our imagination, and our moral or ethical code.
GM Foods in Africa Read the short article with your table Fill out the organizer based on what you’ve learned from the information Your opinion/feelings towards GM Foods will drive the next activity for tomorrow. Be honest!
GM Foods in Africa- Think Pair Share Would you eat genetically modified food? Why or why not? If you were the President of Zambia and many people were starving, would you accept genetically modified food? Why or why not?
Mind Stretcher 3-2-16 Label the following with SB (selective breeding) or GE (genetic engineering) or BOTH Process has been around for thousands of years Relatively new process performed within labs This process manipulates or alters the genes/DNA of organisms resulting in new traits SB GE Both
Genetically Modified Foods Each of you will be on one of two teams For/Supporting GM Foods Against/Fighting use of GM Foods After reading the “opposing viewpoints” article in pairs, you will design a poster persuading others to “be on your side” Please follow the rubric!
Persuasive Poster Rubric
Formative Assessment & TOD On your device/iPad, login to https://b.socrative.com Type in Room # 53388 **Two answers will actually be both SB/GE…can you determine which ones? If you are waiting on an iPad and done with your poster, go ahead and answer the Ticket out the Door questions…then we will trade!
5 minutes Elaborate- demonstrate learning My gut reaction is… The positives of genetic engineering are… On the other hand there are negatives such as… I think genetic engineering should/should not be used when… In the future I think… 5 minutes This could be an extension for faster working gorups.
Farmers removed the gene in chicken DNA to make them grow featherless. Scientific Example or Fact GE or SB? Farmers removed the gene in chicken DNA to make them grow featherless. This process attempts to combines the best traits of 2 parents. Dog breeders wanted to breed a dog that would run fast but also be born with long, shiny fur, looking for the best characteristics from the parents. Scientists take out a gene for bioluminescence from a jellyfish and put that gene into a mouse’s DNA to see if it will have a glowing effect. This process is relatively new and done in science labs. This process manipulates or alters the genes/DNA of organisms. This results in organisms with new traits. English Shorthorn cattle, which produced good beef were bred with Brahman cattle from India to make the offspring both tasty and resistant to heat and humidity. This process has been around for thousands of years. Scientists removed a gene for fat in bison to make them leaner. This results in organisms with desirable traits from both parents
GE SB SB GE GE BOTH BOTH SB SB GE SB Scientific Example or Fact GE or SB? 1. Farmers removed the gene in chicken DNA to make them grow featherless. 2. This process attempts to combines the best traits of 2 parents. 3. Dog breeders wanted to breed a dog that would run fast but also be born with long, shiny fur, looking for the best characteristics from the parents. 4. Scientists take out a gene for bioluminescence from a jellyfish and put that gene into a mouse’s DNA to see if it will have a glowing effect. 5. This process is relatively new and done in science labs. 6. This process manipulates or alters the genes/DNA of organisms. 7. This results in organisms with new traits. 8. English Shorthorn cattle, which produced good beef were bred with Brahman cattle from India to make the offspring both tasty and resistant to heat and humidity. 9. This process has been around for thousands of years. 10. Scientists removed a gene for fat in bison to make them leaner. 11. This results in organisms with desirable traits from both parents GE SB SB GE GE BOTH BOTH SB SB GE SB
REVIEW Genetic Engineering Selective Breeding Relatively new process performed within labs Manipulates or alters the genetic makeup of organisms Results in organisms with new traits Selective Breeding Process has been around for thousands of years Combines the best traits of two organisms Results in organisms that have the desirable traits of their parents
How is GE used today? JIGSAW ACTIVITY Each table will receive a different piece of information. Quietly read this with your group and fill out your group’s organizer Be ready to share a brief summary of what you learned about the uses of Genetic Engineering with the class
Genetic Engineering in Industry Genetic engineering has been especially valuable for producing recombinant microorganisms that have a wide variety of industrial uses. Among the most important achievements have been the production of modified bacteria that devour hydrocarbons. These microbes are used to destroy oil slicks and to clean up sites contaminated with toxic wastes. Genetically engineered microbes are used to produce enzymes used in laundry detergents and contact lens solutions. Recombinant microbes also are used to make substances that can be converted to polymers such as polyester for use in bedding and other products.
Genetic Engineering in Agriculture The use of recombinant DNA in agriculture has allowed scientists to create crops that possess attributes that they did not have naturally and that improve crop yield or boost nutritional value. Such crops are termed genetically modified organisms (GMOs). By manipulating plant genes, scientists have produced tomatoes with longer shelf lives and pest-resistant potatoes. Genetic engineering has also been used to boost the nutritional value of some foods. “Golden rice” is a variety of white rice to which the gene for beta-carotene—a precursor of vitamin A—has been added. This nutrient-dense rice was developed for populations in developing countries where rice is a staple and where vitamin-A deficiency is widely prevalent. Although GMOs are banned in some countries, the vast majority of the soybeans, cotton, and corn raised commercially in the United States are genetically modified.
Genetic Engineering in Medicine Medicine was the first area to benefit from genetic engineering. Using recombinant DNA technology, scientists can produce large quantities of many medically useful substances, including hormones, immune-system proteins, and proteins involved in blood clotting and blood-cell production (see blood; hormones). Before the advent of genetic engineering, many therapeutic peptides such as insulin were harvested from human cadavers and the pancreases of donor animals such as pigs or horses. Using foreign (nonhuman) proteins posed serious risks: in some patients the introduction of foreign proteins elicited serious allergic or immune reactions. Furthermore, there was a great risk of inadvertently transmitting viruses from the donor tissue to the patient. By using human DNA to produce proteins for medical use, such risks were greatly decreased, if not eliminated.
MEDICINES Continued: Vaccines Genetic engineering has also provided a means to produce safer vaccines. The first step is to identify the gene in a disease-causing virus that stimulates protective immunity. That gene is isolated and inserted into a vector molecule such as a harmless virus. The recombinant virus is used as a vaccine, producing immunity without exposing people to the disease-causing virus. Diagnostics Recombinant DNA technology is also used in the prenatal diagnosis of inherited diseases. Restriction enzymes are used to cut the DNA of parents who may carry a gene for a congenital disorder. These fragments are compared with DNA from the fetus. In many situations the disease status of the fetus can be determined. This technique is used to detect a wide range of genetic disorders, including thalassemias, Huntington’s disease, cystic fibrosis, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (see genetic disorder).
MEDICINES Continued: Gene Therapy In gene therapy, scientists use vector molecules to insert a functional gene into the cells of individuals suffering from a disorder caused by a defective gene. Vector molecules containing a functional gene are inserted into a culture of the patient’s own cells, which then deliver the inserted genes to the targeted diseased organs or tissues. The most commonly used vectors in gene therapy are viruses. In the target (human host) cell, the virus “unloads” the inserted gene, which then begins functioning, restoring the cell to a healthy state. Another method is to take a cell from the patient, use recombinant technology to remove the nonfunctional gene and replace it with a functional one, allow the cell to replicate, and then infuse the engineered cells directly into the patient. For example, to treat the life-threatening deficiency of the immune system protein adenosine deaminase (ADA), scientists infuse cells from the patient’s own blood into which researchers have inserted copies of the gene that directs production of ADA. Although there are still a number of challenges to overcome in developing gene therapy, it remains a research area of great promise.
SUMMARY OF USES Genetic engineering is commonly used in agriculture. It helps to produce crops that are stronger or more nutritious than regular crops. Some crops are engineered to resist pests or herbicides. Others have added vitamins or minerals. In the early 2000s genetically modified crops covered about one tenth of the world’s farmland. Genetic engineering also can be useful in industry. For instance, scientists have created bacteria that make biodegradable plastics. Unlike other plastics, they biodegrade, or break down naturally and enrich the soil. Scientists also have engineered bacteria that can clean up oil spills or toxic waste. Finally, genetic engineering is important in medicine. Scientists have used it to create many useful medical substances. For example, genetically engineered bacteria can produce vaccines, human insulin, and other hormones. Scientists also use genetic engineering to try to find cures for human diseases. For instance, injecting normal genes into diseased cells may help a person’s body to heal itself. This type of treatment is called gene therapy.
Genetic Engineering: Be Creative! Think of an organism in which you’d like to enhance or modify in order to HELP the environment/society in some way. Now select a specific “gene” or trait from another organism that you could insert into your first organism’s DNA. Draw a picture and describe your genetically modified organism on your organizer.
Ticket out the Door On your device, login to https://b.socrative.com Type in Room # 53388 #1- Name #2- What you learned (1-2 sentences) #3- True or False? Genetic engineering changes the DNA of an organism.