Farès Djama CPPM Marseille Symposium in High Energy Physics for the Mediterranean and Africa Conclusions Farès Djama CPPM Marseille LLR Palaiseau, May 25th, 2010
What Has Been Said ? Why to cooperate with southern countries in particle physics ? Tools: Cooperation agreements and frames. Schools, training programs and conferences. Grid and networks. Actions and programs: On going programs (Morocco, South Africa). Starting programs (Egypt). Actions to initiate new programs (Algeria, Tunisia). Projects with Madagascar and Senegal. Specific activities: Trans European Initiative (L. Dobrzynski). New Tunisian accelerator (A. Trabelsi). Charge against the growth paradigma, through physics (F. Piuzzi). Please don’t tell it to European Central Bank.
Why to Cooperate with Shouthern Countries in Particle Physics ? Scientific motivations are obvious… Taking part in the adventure of understanding nature. « Feeling » the universality of science in one of its ultimate domain.. But also: Tools: accelarators, detectors, large equipements, computation grids. Large international collaboration. Large spectrum of technologies: Computing, cryogenics, supraconductivity, micro and nano electronics, optics… Very high technical profiles in our labs. Could initiate many projects outside our field: medical imaging, proton therapy, grids… And also: Permanent contacts with industry, logistics, colleagues in many coutries, governements… Big collaboration are a bit complicated to manage… People trained in our field can work and steer projects in other domains.
Legal Frames and Agreements Legal and administrative frames for cooperation through the CNRS/In2p3: The moroccan experience. Example from Italy: cooperation project between the INFN and Egypt. Agreements between CERN and governements. Example: the South African experience with CERN.
Tools for collaborations @ CNRS/IN2P3 E. Augé (in2p3) Tools for collaborations @ CNRS/IN2P3 Grants for short stays for scientists from developing countries (>=3 months) PICS : International cooperation projects, 3 years not renewed, (7 à 8000 €/year). LEA/LIA : Associated European/International Laboratory = virtual lab without walls, with a well defined joint scientific project . 4 years, renewed once, ~15 à 25 k€/year GDRE/GDRI = ESCN/ISCN European / International Scientific Coordination Network. (for ex: meetings between theoreticians & experimentalists), 4 years renewed once, ~15 k€/year UMI : International Mixt Unit– un real lab. (with walls). 4 years renewed twice BDI/PED – PhD grants for students from developing countries, 3 years
project objectives Technological objectives G. Iaselli (Bari) project objectives Technological objectives Develop a new concept for the forward RPC station of CMS: - Chamber mechanics - Front-end board - CMS up scope in 2012 Scientific objectives Knowledge transfer in the field of detector technology for high energy physics; Introduce Egypt high energy scientists in CMS; Strengthen the relationship with CERN. 6 Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris 25-26 May 2010 G. Iaselli 6
Project milestones and future G. Iaselli (Bari) Project milestones and future Train Egyptian scientists Establish local infrastructure for a detector lab Local detector lab functioning Detector quality assurance for CMS Autonomous detector R&D This project Egypt - CMS Egypt 7 Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris 25-26 May 2010 G. Iaselli 7
Schools and Conferences Many schools and conferences were and are being organized in Africa. Low level schools: attract young students. High level schools: contribute to national physicists learning. Technical trainings are important: get national staff trained to use the tools of our field. An interesting example: the malgash experience: conference → schools → institute → research activity
S. Narison (LPTA)
S. Narison (LPTA)
T. Vickey (Witwatersrand U,)
Geant4 Tutorial Course at Dakar Held at Centre de Calcul Unfirmatique of Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar 25 participants, mostly material scientists, some medical physicists. M. Asai (SLAC) Geant4 Tutorial Course at Dakar - M.Asai (SLAC) 12
M. Leduc (SFP) EPAM I :
M. Leduc (SFP) EPAM II :
M. Souli (Ganil) First Edition of “France - Tunisia” Particle Accelerator School CNRS / IN2P3 – Research Ministry / CNSTN Ph. Miné (LLR) 2010 France-Egypte Physics Shool S. Muanza (CPPM) 2010 South African Physics Shool
Networks and Grids Networks: A confortable and high quality internet connections in the national labs is VERY IMPORTANT. Good unexpected colateral consequences: teleconferencing will save travel expenses and avoid visa problems … Situation is country dependent. Grids: We heard about the french Grid Institute and 2 EC projects: EPIKH EU-MedGrid support Include equipements, training, technology transfers…
T. Vickey (Witwatersrand U.)
Network Update V. Breton (LPC) EUMEDCONNECT provides the only R&E links to GEANT: 7 MED countries 700 academic and research sites 2m + users Still 34 – 155 Mbps capacities Telco markets are still largely uncompetitive
Actions and Programs The Moroccan experience in ATLAS. Agreement Morocco/CERN. An academic network: RUPHE. Construction of an ATLAS subdetector. Now, looking forward for discoveries in LHC… Activities in South Africa. Egypt in CMS. Tunisia program. Algerian actions and projects.
Reseau Universitaire de Physique des Hautes Energies (RUPHE) Moroccan High Energy Physics Cluster Founded in 1996 : University of Casablanca University of Rabat University of Oujda University of Marrakech University Of Tanger CNESTEN – Rabat WEB site http://ruphe.fsac.ac.ma/ WEB site http://ruphe.fsac.ac.ma/pole Funding Agency : Centre National de La Recherche Scientifique et technique (CNRST) 20 Professors 20 Students A. Hoummada (Casablanca) 20
Le nucléaire au service du développement Collaboration Phases 1996 Signature of ATLAS M&O An International Scientific Collaboration Program (PICS) 1997 to 2001 - RUPHE and LPSC Grenoble (CNRST-IN2P3) Integrated Action from 2000 to 2003 International Research Group (GDRI) set up by CNRS 2003 to 2008 2007 signature of the CALICE M&O for the ILC program 2008 creation of the International Associate Laboratory (LIA) International Laboratory for Collider Physics (ILCP) Le nucléaire au service du développement 21 A. Hoummada (Casablanca) 21
Presampler of the ATLAS E. M Presampler of the ATLAS E.M. Calorimeter Grenoble (LPSC) – Stokholm and Morocco Since 1996 our participation focus on : Construction of the presampler Prototype Beam test (shifts, …) Beam test data analysis Installation and commissioning in the ATLAS pit Electronic calibration Cosmic Data analysis First LHC Data analysis A. Hoummada (Casablanca) 1 wheel of 32 sectors 22
T. Vickey (Witwatersrand U.)
T. Vickey (Witwatersrand U.)
Egyptian Network of HEP A. Radi (CTP) Egyptian Network of HEP Egypt has a bilateral agreement with CERN since 2006 for in the enormous LHC project. In September 2008, the Egyptian Network for High Energy Physics (ENHEP) has been established, as a research unit within the Academic Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT). Shabaan Khalil is the ENHEP Director. The aim of the ENHEP is to act as the nucleus for the scientific cooperation between the Egyptian experts in HEP and CERN in the LHC project. In September 2008, President of the ASRT and Shabaan have visited CERN to discuss the working plan in order to join CMS. In September 2009, President of the ASRT and Shabaan have visited CERN and reported the progress made in setting up RPC lab and Grid computational infrastructure. With the CMS spokesman and resource manger, we have signed a letter of intention that specify Egypt contribution to CMS. 25
Experimental tests: A. Radi (CTP) (i) The gas Leakage Test. (ii) The High Voltage Test. (iii) The Spacer Test. (iv) The Cosmic Ray Test. A. Mahrous, M. Sherif, and M. Soliman, Simulation of Muon-Induced Air Showers Affecting CMS Tracking Detectors, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2009, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 246–250. 26
HEP in Tunisia Protohistory: Tunisian physicists in ALEPH, L3, ISOLDE. Cooperation with IN2P3 in OPERA. Several activities in various projects, through PhDs : Geant4, ILC, ATLAS. RD51, ANTARES. Aim to a more formal participation in the very near future.
Cooperation Agreement with CERN Key step ! Should be approved soon Signed in 2010 A. Trabelsi (CNSTA Tunis)
Actions in Algeria 2008: CERN/Algeria agreement. One HEP experimental physicist in Algiers (See presentation by Ch. Benchouk): Initiate activity in ATLAS. Incorporate HEP lectures in teaching activities. Send students from all levels to Europe. First agreement between In2p3 and CDTA in the field of silicon pixel detectors (A. Lounis LAL). Our other natural parteners are HEP theorists (see presentation by F. Iddir ). Strong and promising links with Oran and Jijel, via french laboratories.
Near Future in Algeria Message from ATLAS: we want to see physicists from Algeria expressing their interest at CERN ! Create a network of algerian HEP physicists. Coordination is necessary in HEP experiments. New research organization seems to start solving some pending problems (students, coordination,…). Three main equipement problems: Network connection. Seems that most ingredients are there to start a small group in ATLAS. Except network connection.
Conclusions When you have an old scientific tradition, it’s easy to initiate projects: South Africa. Another way: make a local lobbying, initiate local work with brillant elements, coordinate efforts at the national level and use international agreements: Morocco and Egypt. The tunisian way: start scientic activities in a dedicated center of research. Algeria: Hope that the new research organization will help. Otherwise, everything is ready… Madagascar and Senegal: Ideas and projects to start an activity in our domain. Many thanks for the organizers and participants.