Welcome to First grade parent Night!!
What is my child expected to learn in first grade?
“In this complex world, it takes more than a good school to educate children. And it takes more than a good home. It takes these two major educational institutions working together." -Dorothy Rich, author of Mega Skills
Social Skills Work independently Follow directions Accept responsibility for actions Practices self-control, follows rules Respects the rights of others Listens attentively Works with others
Reading Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary The ability to hear and manipulate sounds in words. Phonics Connecting sounds with letters and the ability to blend sounds together to produce the pronunciation of words. Fluency Smoothness or flow with which sounds, syllables, words, and phrases are joined together when speaking quickly. Comprehension The ability to understand what is read Vocabulary
Writing Focus Conventions Spelling Spacing/Handwriting Details All sentences should be clearly focused. 3-4 sentences Conventions Capitals, periods, and grammar used correctly Spelling A combination of phonetics and conventional spelling throughout the story. Spacing/Handwriting Letters written left to right and top to bottom. Appropriate spacing Easily recognized letters Details Sensory details to enhance writing
Example of a first grade piece of writing.
Mathematics Number sense Addition Subtraction Time Measurement Collect and Display Data Patterns Geometric Shapes Sort and Classify
Science Living Organisms Solid Earth Materials Properties and the Relationship of Objects Balance, Motion, and Weight of Objects
Social Studies Individuals, Families, and Groups Citizenship Change in Various Settings Holidays and Community Days Geography Economic Concepts Technology
PE Problem solving and decision making Personal safety Coping skills Conflict resolution Identify a variety of healthy foods from each food group Recognize heart rate Demonstration of beginning locomotor, non- locomotor, and manipulative skills Work cooperatively with others
Art Reading Recognizing that mistakes can be turned into creative opportunities Repetition, pattern, geometric shapes and texture Telling and recording original stories through art Observing how artists tell stories through their art
Music Developing appropriate vocal and instrumental practices Developing skills in improvising and creating music Recognizing simple symbols and terms Reading and notating melodic and rhythmic patterns Developing skills in listening to, analyzing, and evaluating music Developing understanding of music in relation to history, culture, and other content areas Showing respect for the efforts of others
Report Card
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