Preterite of –IR Stem Changers
Common –IR Stem Changers Preferir (to prefer) Mentir (to lie) Sentirse (to feel) Divertirse (to enjoy yourself) (also a reflexive) Pedir (to ask for) Repetir (to repeat) Vestirse (to get dressed) Competir (to compete) Servir (to serve) *Sonreír (to smile) Dormir (to sleep) Morir (to die) * Sonreír has irregular forms—Sonreí, Sonreíste, Sonrió, Sonreímos, Sonreísteis, Sonrieron -IR Endings in the Preterite Í imos iste isteis ió ieron -AR and –ER stem changers do not change in the preterite
To Conjugate Conjugate the yo, tú, nosotros and vosotros forms regularly. Preferir Dormir preferí preferimos dormí dormimos preferiste preferisteis dormiste dormisteis
To Conjugate In the él/ella/usted and ellos/ellas/ustedes form, the E or O that usually changes STILL changes. The E will change to an I (for both e-i and e-ie) and the O will change to a U (for o-ue). Preferir Dormir preferí preferimos dormí dormimos preferiste preferisteis dormiste dormisteis prefirió prefirieron durmió durmieron