PIPES pipes keyboards photo by John Chapman
photo by John Chapman
Every pipe shape has a distinctive sound DISTINCTIVE PIPES - TONE photo by John Chapman
DIAPASON photo by John Chapman
closed top FLUTE open top photos by John Chapman
photo by John Chapman
DRAWSTOPS Drawstops photo by John Chapman
Pipe organ Piano Harpsichord Celesta Accordion Hitting strings with little hammers made of felt? Air over reeds? Air through pipes? Hitting metal bars with hammers? Plucking strings?
Pipe organ Piano Harpsichord Celesta Accordion Air through pipes Hitting strings with little hammers made of felt Plucking strings Hitting metal bars with hammers Air over reeds
4 keyboards for hands Keyboard for feet photo by John Chapman
Pedalboard PEDALBOARD photo by John Chapman
Organists can play tunes - with their feet! TUNES FOR FEET
THE PIPE ORGAN GREATEST MUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF ALL! can sound happy or mysterious or loud or soft or excited or grand or ANY WAY YOU WANT it’s the GREATEST MUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF ALL!