Date of download: 12/24/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Deformation of Nets With Bending Stiffness Normal To Uniform Currents J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 2014;136(4):041102-041102-8. doi:10.1115/1.4028224 Figure Legend: Setup of the experiments. The net panels were clamped in between rigid metal bars as shown in the perspective view to the right. In the drawings to the left, the metal bars are red, the multi-axis force/torque measurement system is green, and the velocity meter is yellow. The dark gray bar at the lower end of the net panel in the image to the right indicates the position of a steel bar, and the red circles indicate the positions of reflective markers for control of the three-dimensional orientation of the frame using a Qualisys motion tracking system. It should be noted that the number and the positions of the reflectors were different from the positions shown in this figure. In the present study, four reflectors were mounted evenly spaced along the vertical edges of the nets and only two reflectors were mounted on the vertical centerline of the nets. The reflectors on the mounting bars and on the rod extruding from above the force measurement system were positioned as shown in this figure.