Biological control methods. Aphids eat my blackcurrant bush, and I get fewer blackcurrants to eat. I could spray the bush with a pesticide, or buy more ladybirds to add to my garden. I should only have to apply ladybirds once to my blackcurrant bush, whereas I might have to spray it several times with pesticides to get the same length of effect. Suggest reasons for this difference. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DDT kills ladybirds as well as pests. Thinking about food webs, why would using DDT make you more likely to keep using DDT in the future? 6 The disease malaria kills about a million people a year. DDT has saved millions of human lives from malaria, especially in Africa, by being used to kill mosquitos. Using what you’ve learned today, write a description in your books for the public about the advantages and disadvantages of using DDT.