CSCOPE Overview and Web Navigation TOT


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Presentation transcript:

CSCOPE Overview and Web Navigation TOT Ector County ISD Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Agenda Next Steps Beginning and Background of CSCOPE Components of CSCOPE via Web Navigation Curriculum Instruction Assessment and Data Next Steps Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Participation Guidelines Assume positive intent. Watch the time. Show respect to those who speak. Ask questions. Learn by sharing. Prepare your cell phones for learning. Have fun! Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

K W L Divide into groups of 4 to 5. Handout KWL sheet. Groups list everything they KNOW about CSCOPE, and everything they WANT to know about CSCOPE. Groups share out. (Will address the “L” later.) Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

CSCOPE Question District Question After all groups report what they know, then have the spokesperson share what the group wants to know about CSCOPE. Answer questions as needed; anything that you know will be addressed in the overview does not need to be answered directly at this point. As groups share questions, remind them that the questions may be sorted into two groups: CSCOPE questions and district questions. CSCOPE questions are specific to the system and will have answers that we can provide. District questions should be addressed by an administrator. Questions that arise may not have been thought of yet, which is OK – record the questions and follow-up with responses and plans. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Beginning and Background of cscope Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Research Base Curriculum Design, Standards, Instructional Design Robert Marzano Fenwick English Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe Heidi Hayes Jacobs John Crain James Barufaldi H. Lynn Erickson Learning Theory Reuven Feuerstein Lev Vygotsky Professional Development Thomas Guskey Linda Darling-Hammond Point out that CSCOPE is built on a foundation of research from many experts in the field. For the next activity, we will focus on Marzano’s guaranteed and viable curriculum. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum Explain that a “guaranteed and viable” curriculum is a combination of two factors: opportunity to learn (guaranteed) and time (viable). CSCOPE provides both a guaranteed and a viable currculum. Strategy = Read and Connect Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Four Essential Questions What do we want all students to learn? How will we know if they have learned it? What will we do if they don’t learn it? What will we do if they already know it? Review the questions, as a reminder that the PLC work and the four questions are still an essential part of a guaranteed and viable curriculum. DuFour, R. and Eaker, R. (1998). Professional learning communities at work: Best practices for enhancing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

RTI: Response to Intervention/Instruction What do we want students to learn? What will we do if they already know it? Stretching to the Curriculum TIER III TIER III TIER II T I E R TIER II A guaranteed and viable curriculum reinforces Tier I instruction (no matter what model is used), which reaches more students and clarifies what we need to do with supporting or extending for student learning. Please note: Be sure to let teachers know that the model shown in this slide is just one of many models of RTI. It is not the one ECISD will be using, however the point is still valid --- CSCOPE is for Tier I. Stretching Beyond the Curriculum What will we do if they don’t learn it? How will we know if they have learned it? Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Go through this slide quickly!! 743 districts using CSCOPE as of most recent September 2010 update. (1237 districts in TX = 60% of TX districts have purchased CSCOPE) CSCOPE was developed, beginning in the Regions 6, 8, and 2, based on district needs. The districts asked the ESCs to help with writing an effective, updated scope and sequence and vertically aligned curriculum based on the TEKS. Each ESC (except Reg 4) is a member of the TESCCC (Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative), which is a non-profit organization. The collaborative works on the constant updates and revisions. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Detailed Daily Lesson Plans Coherent Units of Study A Model for Continuous Improvement Vertical Alignment Document (VAD): Standards 12-K In Core Content Areas: Aligned and Specific Focused Professional Development Daily Lesson Plans: Detailed Daily Lesson Plans Year-At-A-Glance: TEKS Bundled into Coherent Units of Study Continuous Improvement CSCOPE is comprised of four main documents (VAD, YAG, IFD, Lessons) for the core content. The VAD has aligned the TEKS from grades 12-K, with the end in mind. Released TAKS tests, TAKS information booklets and other state resources were used to add specificity to the TEKS so that there is no ambiguity in what teachers should be teaching. The YAG contains coherent units of study that are placed into a scope and sequence. This helps ensure that all of the TEKS are taught within the course of one academic school year with those TEKS that will be assessed being taught prior to the administration of the TAKS. The IFDs are the concept-based units of study and contain performance indicators that clearly describe how a student should demonstrate the depth of his/her learning. As each unit is completed, teachers may use the provided unit tests. The exemplar lessons support the conceptual focus. These lessons also contain Spanish translations of the handouts for grades K-5. The impact of standard refinement, new TAKS information booklets, and new research on the VAD will be evaluated. If necessary, the VAD may be modified. If the VAD is modified the YAG will be reviewed to see if the changes in the VAD impact it and require modification. If indeed there are changes in the YAG then each IFD will be evaluated for necessary changes. Finally it will be determined if any of the lessons will be impacted by the changes in the IFD. Each of CSCOPE’s components is a living, breathing document and therefore a model for continuous improvement. Future professional development can now be more aligned to district/campus goals through the use of the CSCOPE documents. Instructional Focus Documents (IFD): Units of Study with Conceptual Focus Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010 12

Do the TEKS alone tell us how they will be tested on TAKS? Do the TEKS provide all that we need to know in order to create a guaranteed viable curriculum? Would all teachers understand what to teach from just looking at the TEKS? Do the TEKS alone tell us how they will be tested on TAKS? Give participants time to reflect on the questions. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Facts About the TEKS The TEKS are a framework for curriculum development. They were never intended to be the curriculum. TEKS do have including and such as statements. TEKS tend to be very vague but some student expectations do have including and such as statements, such as the one in the next slide. “Including” and “such as” statements allow us to know exactly what the state wants us to teach and students to learn; however, TEA does not provide very many “such as” and “including” statements. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

5.7A Classify matter based on its physical properties including magnetism, physical state, and the ability to conduct or insulate heat, electricity, and sound. The next 5 slides are examples o Example of “including” statement that clarifies the SE Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

3rd Grade ELA (2009) 105 Student Expectations (The next 5 slides are examples. Choose the ones you want to share. It’s not necessary to go through all 5.) Newly revised 3rd-grade ELA has 105 student expectations with 62% of the content being left up to interpretation by the teacher. Regardless of the grade level or the content, the trend continues with very little specificity as to what is expected from us as teachers. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

4th Grade Mathematics 41 Student Expectations 4th-Grade Math has 41 student expectations to teach in one academic school year with only 17% clarity of what to expect. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

5th Grade Science 39 Student Expectations 5th Grade Science has 39 student expectations of which 75% of them are left up to interpretation; only 25% clarity is provided by the state. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

7th Grade Math 34 Student Expectations Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

High School World History 80 Student Expectations Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Instructional and Curricular Gaps Kindergarten 2nd Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 1st Grade Shows graphically what happens when a gap begins (in this example, in second grade) and what happens in each successive grade level. Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Is the student with the gap college ready? Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Components of cscope Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Components of CSCOPE Vertical Alignment Documents (VAD) Year at a Glance (YAG) Instructional Focus Documents (IFD) Exemplar Lessons Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Content Areas/Grade Levels High School Courses K-4 5-8 High School Science K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Integrated Physics/Chemistry Biology Chemistry Physics Environmental Systems Social Studies World Geography World History US History Government and Economics Math Algebra I Algebra II Geometry Math Models and Applications Precalculus ELA English I English II English III English IV Copyright©2008 Education Service Center Region XIII Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Website navigation Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Website: Login: first.last Password: ector Point out that the CSCOPE sight may be reached from the ECISD home page. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Vertical alignment document All of the components of CSCOPE are available online. The format for each component carries through the grade levels, subject areas, and courses. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Example from K-1-2 science VAD Point out the format, which will be the same throughout grade levels and content areas. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

What do the blank areas mean. In this example, standard 2 What do the blank areas mean? In this example, standard 2.5D is the first introduction to that concept/skill that students receive, i.e, it was not addressed in kinder or first grade. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Point out other ways gaps may appear Point out other ways gaps may appear. The gaps come from the TEKS themselves. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Example from 6th grade and World Geography VAD Point out shading and what it represents.

Example of a TEKS Clarification doc (Biology)

How do you envision the Vertical Alignment Document supporting instruction? Allow teachers time to reflect at their tables, and then go onto the next slide. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Offers a common understanding of the TEKS Defines expectations by grade level Provides alignment of how TEKS scaffold upon one another Allows teachers to evaluate their lessons Provides the most current information from state released materials Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Year at a glance Distribute YAG Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Year at a Glance Vertical Alignment Document Point out how the YAG is related to the VAD: The YAG pulls the content out for one grade level and subject area/course from the multi-grade level VAD. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Overviews exist for social studies and math Overviews exist for social studies and math. Overviews for science and ELA will be added later. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

9 week example for 4th grade ELA – to show that 9 wk format is available for each course Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

5 13 Explain the process of how the YAG was put together: TEKS grouped into coherent, concept-based units of study (TEKS that would naturally be taught together) Envision piles of TEKS/units of study in front of you, the next step was to figure out what order the units should progress. All testable TEKS had to be placed prior to the administration of TAKS. Once the order of the units was determined, then we had to determine how much content could be mastered each six weeks. Once the amount of content per six weeks was determined, a number of suggested days per unit had to be decided. The VAD was helpful in seeing if the content being taught was brand new to the grade level or developing content. This determines whether more or less days would be need to secure the knowledge. National standards have also determined key curriculum focal points by grade level which would also effect the number of days for a particular concept. The units in each six weeks typically span 25 days of instruction; however, there are normally 30 days of instruction each six weeks. This allows 5 days per six weeks or 30 days per school year to be dedicated to re-teaching and/or to account for other interrupted instructional days. The number of days committed to each unit is approximate and leaves a few extra days for planned (and unplanned) detours. Use the example highlighted in yellow: Year At A Glance suggested 3 days to teach unit 1. Not all districts, schools, teachers, or students will be able to master content of unit in 3 days. This document allows teachers to adjust their instruction as they teach throughout the year. In the example, the teacher took 5 days instead of 3 to complete the unit. Need to “balance the checkbook” and reduce the number of days allocated to another unit to make up for the extra days taken in unit 1. For example, we may choose to reduce unit 4 from 15 days to 13 if we took two extra days for unit 1. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

How do you envision the Year at a Glance supporting instruction? Allow teachers time to reflect at their tables, and then go on to the next slide. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Addresses all testable TEKS prior to TAKS administration Provides a suggested timeline to ensure that each standard is taught within a school year Addresses all testable TEKS prior to TAKS administration Sequences instruction so students spend more time on the important standards for each grade level Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Instructional focus document Distribute the IFD Instructional focus document Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Vertical Alignment Doc Year at a Glance (Multiple Units) Instructional Focus Doc 1 Unit Explain how the IFD fits into the YAG, which fits into the VAD. The YAG is pulled from one grade level from the VAD. The YAG has a number of units in the entire year, and each unit has an IFD. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

No lessons listed for science IFDs because new science lessons are not yet available (will be available next summer) Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

How do you envision the Instructional Focus Document supporting instruction? Allow teachers time to reflect at their tables, and then go on to the next slide. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Exemplar lessons Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Exemplar Lessons Vertical Alignment Doc Year at a Glance (Multiple Units) Instructional Focus Doc 1 Unit Exemplar Lessons Explain how the Exemplar Lesson fits into the IFD, which fits into the YAG, which fits into the VAD. The YAG is pulled from one grade level from the VAD. The YAG has a number of units, and each unit has an IFD. Each unit and IFD contains one or more lessons. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

What are the benefits of the Exemplar Lessons? Allow teachers time to reflect at their tables, and then go on to the next slide. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Negotiable or Non-Negotiable? Exemplar Lessons Negotiable or Non-Negotiable? Pros Cons Alignment to state standards Purchasing of all identified materials Active engagement Printing cost Too much for self-contained teachers Secondary courses only account for course TEKS Success with current resources Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Additional cscope components Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Assessments Performance Indicators Unit Assessments Grades K-1: performance-based Grades 2-12: written assessments All assessments are aligned to the Instructional Focus Document (IFD). Performance indicators are the authentic assessment and evidence of student attainment of and/or progression toward an identified standard (TEKS). These were mentioned when we looked at the IFD and lesson. Unit Assmts: K-1 assessments are not written/multiple choice. 2-12 assessments are a mix of multiple choice, open-ended, griddable items, prompt-based, and SAT/ACT format. Purpose of assessments is data gathering (not gotchas for teachers). Assessments are instructional tools to tell teachers what students did and did not learn. Teachers should begin with the end in mind and look at the assessments before instructing. Reading the tests through a student lens enables us to find potential misunderstandings or roadblocks, such as unknown or difficult vocabulary. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Negotiable or Non-Negotiable? Unit Assessments Negotiable or Non-Negotiable? Pros Cons Monitoring Unit assessments do not spiral Consistent expectations Reading levels of CSCOPE unit assessments Tutoring/Intervention Secondary courses only account for course TEKS Evaluation of instructional practices/resources Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Additional CSCOPE Components Administrator Walk-Through Tool Data Tools Public Site: Parent Portal: Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Action Steps State expectations for non-negotiables. Attend professional development to address identified non-negotiables. Express expectations for teachers to conduct periodic PLC/grade level planning. Share requirements for student work submittals. Communicate with staff regularly regarding curriculum, e.g., breakfast or lunch with the administrator and teachers. Non-negotiables: YAG VAD IFD Examplar lessons for: Teachers w/3 years or less teaching experience Teachers on growth plans Teachers at principal’s discretion Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Resources and Funding Hard copies of non-negotiables? Printing Materials kits? Technology Planning time Hard copies of the first unit will be provided for all teachers. Goal is for all teacher to begin referring to the computer. (If print hard copies, it’s hard to keep up with changes.) District will provide all materials Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Check Points for District-Wide Use Lesson plans Administrator walkthroughs Sign-in sheets at professional development sessions Minutes to PLC/grade level meetings Collection of student work Teacher surveys Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010

Region 18 CSCOPE Contacts Kim Randolph, Science Coordinator 432.456.8511 Terry Howard, Science Specialist 432.456.8516 Terry Howard is responsible for CSCOPE passwords and access to the CSCOPE site. Region 18 ESC ECISD TOT September – December 2010