MISSION AND GOAL Mission Statement To ensure everyone has decent, safe and sanitary housing. Goals and Objectives Proactively identify substandard housing conditions. Ensure the rehabilitation and/or abatement of substandard housing violations. Ensure the health and safety of residents of the City of Anaheim living in rental housing units and motels.
BACKGROUND Councilmembers ride-a-long in 2012 Program adopted March 4, 2014 Implemented July 1, 2014 Self Certification component Systematic approach (West to East) Exemptions for apartments & motels 20 years or newer structures Fines for violators Appeals Committee/Process (Reps. from Apartment Assoc.) Amendment adopted March 21, 2017 to include Motels Exemptions for motels less than 10% of long term stays Appeals Committee/Process (Added Reps. from Hotel/Motel Assoc.)
5-YEAR PLAN City wide inventory has increased since 2014 to 2017. Total number of properties went from: 2,909 to 3,809 and total number of units went from: 41,220 to 49,998 due to buildings getting older over time and now being included in our inventory. Program continues to grow.
Council Districts
Best Management Practices
First & Second Year Accomplishments (Phase I and II) 1,048 Properties 22,247 Units 961 Properties Self Certified 94 Properties Failed $11,232.66 in Fines/Fees $243,900 Estimated Cost of Repairs (as reported by owners)
Expected Completion: Jan 2018
Third Year Accomplishments (Phase III in progress) 1,086 Properties 10,677 Units 768 Properties Self Certified 52 Properties Failed $2,324.60 in Fines/Fees $606,614 Estimated Cost of Repairs (as reported by owners) Out of 1,086 properties, 820 have been inspected. 173 are exempt. Leaving only 93 properties left to inspect/certify for this phase.
Motels Citywide
Motel Inventory
Motels (Status Update) All Quality Rental Housing Packets have been mailed for phases 1-4 (29 motels) Inspections to begin September 2017 Inventory has decreased from 33 city wide to 32, due to new developments Community Outreach meetings to be scheduled to meet with motel families On tract for 5 year plan with apartments.
Council District 3 Council District 3
Council District 3
Council District 4
Council District 4
Council District 4
Council District 4
Phase I (Council District 1) Vacant duplex with criminal activity two doors down from a 30 yr. tenant in the same complex
Received 6 complaints for this property since the clean up in 2015 Received 6 complaints for this property since the clean up in 2015. Due to being vacant with continued criminal activity .
Phase 3 (Council District 3) Estimated repair costs ($5,000)
Residents in the Mayfair/Lodge neighborhood were appreciative of the improvements and work done in their neighborhood with the Quality Rental Housing program. Hosting a booth at the Anaheim Public Library Bookmobile’s Fall STEAM event in October 2017 with community outreach to the Anna Drive, Balsam/Curtis, Balsam/East, and Canfield Neighborhoods (Phase 4) Apartment owner who failed the self certification process has now passed and expressed his appreciation for the program and agreed the tenants and owners benefit from the program. He said it brought to his attention things he was not aware of fixing. -1162 W. Casa Grande
Presented the Quality Rental Housing Program at the Orange County Family Justice Center to a group of residents in July 2017.
Met with City of Long Beach Bureau of Environmental Services and the City of Santa Ana, who were interested in our Quality Rental Housing Program and about implementing something similar for their City.
-Expected to begin sending out packets by December 2017. PHASE IV (BLUE) FY 17-18
FINAL PHASE V (ORANGE) FY 18-19 -Expected to begin sending out packets in July 2018. -Each year more properties are added to the inventory due to age or having to go back to properties that have been certified and that are now in violation again. (Stinson) FINAL PHASE V (ORANGE) FY 18-19