Walking With God
Men Who Walked With God What was involved in “walking with God”? Enoch pleased God (Gen. 5:21-24; Heb. 11:5) Noah was righteous (Gen. 6:8-9) Can two walk together without agreeing? (Amos 3:3)
Don’t Walk This Way… In your former sins As enemies (Philip 3:18-19) (Eph 2:1-3; 4:17-5:11; Col 3:5-10; Rom 13:12-14) As enemies (Philip 3:18-19) In idleness (II Thess 3:6-12) Hypocritically (I John 1:5-7; Eph 5:8-10) In the paths of bad examples (Jude 11; I Kings 15:26; Psa. 1:1)
Walk This Way… In Christ (Col 2:6-7; I John 2:6) In love (Eph 5:1-2; Rom 14:15; I John 2:11) – sacrificial By faith (II Cor 5:6-7) In good works (Eph 2:10) Worthily (Eph 4:1-3; Col 1:9-10; I Thess 2:9-12) Reward (Rev 3:4) Carefully, wisely (Eph 5:15-18; Col 4:5-6; I Thess 4:9-12) In truth (II John 4-6; III John 3-4; Psa. 86:11)
Walking With God “Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more.” I Thess. 4:1
Walking With God