Limiting Reactant Sandwich 2 pcs bread 1 slice meat 1 slice cheese - limits the amount of product that can be formed Sandwich 2 pcs bread 1 slice meat 1 slice cheese
Limiting Reactant Sandwich 2 pcs bread 1 slice meat 1 slice cheese - limits the amount of product that can be formed Bread Meat Cheese Sandwich Sandwich 2 pcs bread 1 slice meat 1 slice cheese 10 10 10 5 18 10 8 8 13 7 10 6
Local businesses have donated the following: The teachers estimate that approximately 200 students will show up. In order to feed this many students, they have come up with the following “equation”: 2 hotdog buns + 2 hotdogs + 2 relish + 4 ketchup + 2 mustard + 10 marshmallows + 1 bag of chips + 3 soft drinks 1 full student Local businesses have donated the following: 6 cases of ketchup packets (144 packets per case) 120 six-packs of soft drink 3 cases of mustard packets (144 packets per case) 17 boxes of chips (12 bags per box) 30 bags of marshmallows (80 mallows per bag) 3 cases of relish packets (144 packets per case) 60 packages of hot dog buns (8 hot dogs per package) 60 packages of hot dogs (10 hot dogs per package) 864 /4 = 216
If all 200 students show up, how much of each item will be needed? Hot dog buns __________________ hot dogs _______________________ Relish ________________________ ketchup ________________________ Mustard ______________________ marshmallows ___________________ Chips _________________________ soft drinks _______________________ 2 hotdog buns + 2 hotdogs + 2 relish + 4 ketchup + 2 mustard + 10 marshmallows + 1 bag of chips + 3 soft drinks 1 full student
After feeding all 200 students, how much of each item will be left over? Hot dog buns __________________ hot dogs _______________________ Relish ________________________ ketchup ________________________ Mustard ______________________ marshmallows ___________________ Chips _________________________ soft drinks _______________________
Did you have enough of everything? Could you feed extra students? __________________ If yes, how many? _______________ If the bonfire is a huge success, and 250 students show up, what item will you run out of first? (In chemistry, we call this the “limiting reagent”). 2 hotdog buns + 2 hotdogs + 2 relish + 4 ketchup + 2 mustard + 10 marshmallows + 1 bag of chips + 3 soft drinks 1 full student