What Kind Of Meat Does A Dog Like 11/13/13 Tessah Russell turkey ham
Scientific Question What meat does a dog like better ham-or-turkey?
Why I Chose This Topic I chose this topic because…… 1. We have 10 dogs, so i thought it would be a easy test to do, because we have so many dogs. 2.These dogs just love people food. 3.Also i have never done an experiment with animals before, so i thought it would be fun.
Hypothesis If i would put a piece of meat in front of a dog, the dog would most likely wag it’s tail and try to grab it with it mouth.
Variables Independent-Different types of meat and a different dog. Dependent-How many wags each meat gets. Constants-The dogs will remain the same.
Procedures First I got a piece of ham.Second I sat the timer for 1 min.Third i stood in front of a dog.Forth i put the meat in front of the dog and started the timer.Fifth i counted the wags as the dog was waging.Sixth when the timer was up i gave the dog the ham, and recorded the wags on my bar graph. Seventh i repeated 1-6 for the turkey.
Conclusion My question is “what meat does a dog like better, ham or turkey.” What i did is i held two different types of meat in front of my dog (grumpy) and counted the wags as he was waging for the meat.What happen is grumpy ended up liking the turkey more than the ham.The ham got 62 wags and the turkey got 44 wags.What i learned is what kind of meat dogs prefer. One error was when i dropped the timer.One problem was grumpy’s tail was a little fast.What i should of done different is i could of had someone to help me, so i could of stopped the time perfect.
Data The Ham got 46 wags and the turkey got 37 wags.
The :) Ham Won!