Or Just Maintaining, Your Budget Increasing Or Just Maintaining, Your Budget
How Did Your Budget Fare This Fiscal Year? Increased Decreased Stayed Flat or Close to Flat What are some of the things you asked for in your budget and how did you justify it?
What We Will Cover Common Problems What Works Using Data to Get Where We Want to Be
Common Problems Getting into a rut with our own arguments Justifying our requests with appeals to emotion without meaningful data Funders making decisions based on their preconceptions of libraries
How is Your Library Funded? Most of Us Get Our Money from Politicians City County State Other This Means You Are a Politician Too!
What Works Rebranding the library in context of your political environment Showing how the work of the library supports your funders’ goals Show the return on investment (ROI) of the library Decide on what measurables your stakeholders want as a team
Outcome or Performance Based Budgeting Translates the work of the library into a form that someone without any knowledge of libraries can understand Sets a framework for how the library and stakeholders will measure success
Our Stakeholders Teamwork Don’t Know Much of What We Do Don’t Understand our Terminology Find Our Statistics Overwhelming Open Communication Reach Consensus for What Matters Cherry Pick the Statistics that Support the Consensus
Durham County Library Measuring for Results Everything I Thought was Wrong Everything They Thought was Wrong We Came Up with Our Own Right “Library Services” “Technology” Organization All Old Jargon Scrapped Created New Jargon Terminology Greater Appreciation for the Other Rejected Ideas are Still Useful Internally Ideas
Where Do These Data Come From? Traditional In House Statistics Combined with Open Data Statistics from Our Partners Government and Professional Websites Resources from NC Live
ROI Calculator http://www.lrs.org/public/roi/calculator.php Mouseover libraries to see closest match or use: http://www.lrs.org/data-tools/public-libraries/annual-statistics/ to choose peer library.
Choosing Peer Libraries PLS (Public Library Survey) v. PLDS (Public Library Data Service Statistical Report) https://www.imls.gov/research-evaluation/data-collection/public-libraries-united-states-survey https://nc.countingopinions.com/
National Trend Survey Data http://libraries.pewinternet.org/
Wages Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oessrcma.htm
Your Budget Adjusted for Inflation Bureau of Economic Analysis Table 3.15.4 http://www.bea.gov/itable/
Don’t Let This Happen to You
Librarian Pulp Fiction Images Citations Librarian Pulp Fiction Images ROI Details ACME Upstairs Library School http://simplebooklet.com/publish. php?wpKey=zwTY8mLCC3wV31O RtETcye#page=0 Library Research Service ROI Calculator, http://www.lrs.org/public/roi/calculator.php “Cost to use alternatives” – Cost to patrons to acquire information or materials from an alternative source if the library did not exist “Lost use” – Direct benefit patrons who chose not to seek information elsewhere would lose if the library did not exist Local expenditures – What the library spends on goods and services in its community Lost staff compensation – Salaries and wages that would not be paid without the library “Halo spending” – Purchases made by patrons at businesses near the library when they visit