SAON Retreat External input June 2017 Presenter: Helen C Joseph HCJ Consulting Chair, Review Committee
SAO Report, Portland, 2016 “The SAOC noted that everyone supports the idea of SAON, and that the entity has had a number of successes in its first 5 years. Nonetheless, SAON is evolving, and this review process has delivered some good ideas for potential improvements to SAON, and for ways in which the Council can help it to improve.”
The Declaration from the 2017 Fairbanks Ministerial “30. Recognize the need to increase cooperation in meteorological, oceanographic and terrestrial observations, research and services, and the need for well-maintained and sustained observation networks and continuous monitoring in the Arctic, such as the World Meteorological Organization's Global Cryosphere Watch Program,” “33. Announce the Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation, the third legally binding agreement negotiated under the auspices of the Arctic Council, which will help increase effectiveness and efficiency in the development of scientific knowledge about the region as well as strengthen scientific cooperation in the Arctic region, and encourage its implementation by all parties following its entry into force,”
Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation “Recognizing the excellent existing scientific cooperation already under way in many organizations and initiatives, such as the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks, the International Arctic Science Committee, the University of the Arctic, …” “The purpose of this Agreement is to enhance cooperation in Scientific Activities in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency in the development of scientific knowledge about the Arctic.”
Group on Earth Observations (GEO) The regional initiative should be building on what it is already occuring in the area. In addition, the expectation from GEO is that the regional initiative adheres to these overarching principles: The regional initiative addresses the issues that are important for the region GEO has defined a series of Social Benefit Areas (SBAs) for which it views its work, and the regional initiative should be able to map its activities to (a subset of) these
Group on Earth Observations (GEO) The regional initiative should, to the extent possible, adhere to GEO’s overarching goals and objectives including the importance of broad, open data policies, integrated Earth observations (across domains, across space-based and in situ observations, and across organizations) and advocacy for sustained Earth observations An implementation plan should exist for the regional initiative so that others, including potential supporters, may become aware of key actions, milestones and deliverables.
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) Agenda for coming AMAP WG meeting (12-14 September) AMAP Trends and Effects Monitoring Program - Data handling and reporting. How can we best secure that necessary data is available for AMAP assessments? Overview of AMAP data handling and SAONs role AMAP project directory (agency monitoring and national research projects) Reporting to AMAP thematic data centers When is National Implementation Plans necessary?