Energy is The ability to do work
Law of Conservation of Energy Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be transferred ,or converted, from one form to another!
This boy converts the chemical energy of the food he has eaten into potential energy by climbing the stairs then into kinetic energy as he jumps down
Energy comes in different forms
1. Kinetic Energy. Any moving object has kinetic energy 1. Kinetic Energy. Any moving object has kinetic energy. The faster it goes the more kinetic energy it has. .
This kinetic energy is converted to energy to bend metal and sound CRASH here.
Kinetic energy is also called Mechanical Energy Anything that moves has it
A runner converts food energy to kinetic energy
An animal famous for its kinetic energy
Moving water particles have kinetic energy as well as heat energy.
Total heat energy of an object. 2. Thermal Energy Total heat energy of an object. Objects contain different amounts of thermal energy
A small amount of thermal energy
A HUGE amount of thermal energy
This molten steel is over 1200degrees C
The heat energy of this liquid can burn this child as it is transferred to his skin.
This is energy that is stored in chemical bonds. 3. Chemical Energy This is energy that is stored in chemical bonds.
Food contains chemical energy which is broken down and converted to kinetic energy as we move.
Batteries convert chemical energy to electric energy to light energy in a torch
Batteries convert chemical energy to sound energy in mobile phones
Fireworks convert chemical energy to heat light and sound
4. Potential Energy. The energy of any object that is raised
The bigger and higher the object the greater the potential energy.
Moving electrical charges produce electrical energy.
Electric energy can be converted to light and heat energy
Or electric to sound energy
Moving electric charge is converted to heat ,light and sound here
Electric energy can be converted to heat like in this heater.
6. Electromagnetic Energy Energy that travels in waves even through the vacuum of space
UV is electromagnetic energy that tans the skin.
Microwaves are electromagnetic waves used in communication
7.Sound Energy: Anything that makes a noise even…..a
OR the sonic boom of this jet
Or music
Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom from fission or fusion 8.Nuclear Energy Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom from fission or fusion
The nuclei of 1 kg of H atoms being split releases this kind of energy
Atomic energy is controlled to produce power
Atomic fusion occurs in the sun.
Now do this quiz…..
Write the numbers 1-10 in your book Write down the energy conversions in each slide the first one is an example.
Example Potential converted to kinetic energy
1Nuclear energy to……… Nuclear to *
2 Thermal energy to………
3 Electromagnetic energy to……
4 Electromagnetic energy to……
5 Chemical energy to……..
6 Electric energy to…….
7 Electric energy to…..
8 Nuclear energy to……..
9 Chemical energy to…..
10 Chemical energy to…..