Project Kick-Off Presentation for Project Liaisons / Managers <<YOUR DEPARTMENT>> Office 365 Email and Calendaring Migration Project Project Kick-Off Presentation for Project Liaisons / Managers <<MONTH YEAR>> Presented by Office 365 Email/Calendaring Project Imple mentation Team
Agenda Project and Office 365 Email Introduction 2 Project and Office 365 Email Introduction What’s Changing and Preview of Pre- and Post- Migration Items Project Liaison Role Expectations Shared Calendar Owner Responsibilities Training/Communications - Plans and Resources Migration Process Overview Communications/Preparation Activities Timeline for Project Liaisons Next Steps
What Are We Doing and Why? 3 WHAT: <<Your Department>> is adopting the use of the UW Office 365 Email as the standard tool for email and associated calendaring Retiring the use of Alpine (aka Deskmail) WHY: The UW is retiring the Alpine/Deskmail email system and it will no longer be supported Will greatly simplify the process of finding contacts and coordinating meetings by having everyone on the same system Opportunity to use a more modern and robust email and calendaring solution
What will the Office 365 Email look like? 4 For users accustomed to using Alpine, the Office 365 Email web access will look as shown below (accessed by icon on desktop or via any internet web browser) May already be familiar to people with personal Microsoft “hotmail” or “” accounts. Note: People who use Outlook to access their email on their own PC can continue to use it to access Office 365 Email or use the web-version displayed here.
What’s Changing and What’s Not? 5 CHANGING: Alpine users will change to the use of the web-based Office 365 Email tool to access email New icons on PC’s available to access Office 365 Email (aka Office 365 Outlook Web Access (OWA)) More comprehensive address list of email users with more information about contacts Easier access to email and calendar by phone Adjusted names conference rooms and shared calendars to fit within UW naming conventions NOT CHANGING Email addresses of “” and “” remain unchanged PC users who use Outlook on their PC today may continue to use Outlook The Office 365 Email migration project is not changing version of Windows or other Microsoft products you use today. “Mailman” distribution list content and management process Implementation of other applications available in Office 365 is not within the scope of the Office 365 Email and Calendaring migration project.
“Heads Up” on some Pre and Post Migration Checklist Items 6 PRE-MIGRATION Browse available training and help resources and be familiar of how you will access and use Office 365 Email Alpine Folders – removing special characters from folder names (at least 2 weeks prior) Do not request changes to your UW Net Id (password OK) Update information in Workday so your displayed name and other information appear as desired in the Office 365 Email directory for UW. Pre-migration exporting email contacts from Alpine or Outlook – see instructions for exporting and saving them. (OPTIONAL) POST-MIGRATION One-time set-up for web-based access (language and time zone selection) Outlook Users will need to follow some simple steps the first day of go-live to run a program to “configure” their Outlook to see Office 365 Email. Be aware of any changes to methods of updating shared calendars or reserving conference rooms/equipment Configure your smartphone to access Office 365 Email (OPTIONAL) Re-set up signature line (OPTIONAL) Import any contacts saved prior to migration (OPTIONAL) Verify accuracy of calendar migration (OPTIONAL) Granting permissions to view your calendar details (OPTIONAL)
Project Liaison Role 7 We need department engagement for this project so we can make the migration as smooth as possible. The duties of this role include: Primary contact for the project for your department - be knowledgeable of how staff in your department use email, calendars, and resources such as rooms, equipment. Pro-active involvement with the project implementation team to address questions related to the department and/or unique scenarios related to email and calendar use Assist with getting project communications and reminders to department staff Being an in-department "super-user" for common questions that may come up pre- and post- migration related to the email migration. Identify additional super-users to cover additional shifts if needed. Validate staff planned for the conversion and review for accuracy and completeness. Facilitate collection of any required configuration information for “owned” shared calendars and conference rooms being converted Implement any department-specific plans related to downtime of email during the conversion Establish any necessary department-specific contingency plans for email communications and/or critical calendars
Responsibilities for “Owners” of Shared Calendars 8 For those who “own” shared calendars (or conference rooms/ equipment): Be ready 4-6 weeks prior to discuss: Revised name of calendar to per UW standards Two names “owners” of the calendar Permission/configuration settings options Owners of calendars requiring restricted permissions will have responsibilities to grant/re-grant permissions to users prior to conversion “Owner” to communicate to users of shared calendars: New calendar name Planned conversion date Any revisions to use of calendar Contingency planning for shared calendar conversion (print outs, etc.)
Communications and Training Plans 9 Communication activities begin approximately 2 months prior to migration date Kick-off Meeting with Project Liaisons Communications and reminder emails sent to Project Liaisons to share with their department. Project Liaisons responsible for passing on project email announcements and customizing as needed for their department. Presentation to present to your staff at staff meetings (project team member can assist presenting) “Flyers” that can be printed and posted if desired Training Training videos and tip sheets designed to be self-serve and used as needs by user will vary Modular in nature – focused on items that will be “new” to users and/or pre- and post- migration steps Project liaisons and super-users are key to the support process – may be as simple as having some copies of key tip sheets available and helping people walk through the steps
Project Information Page and Training Library 10 Internal project information site will allow you quick and easy access to information you need. <<your website>>
Migration Process Overview 11 How will the migration be done? Copying of email and/or calendars to new system – incurs additional cost – may not be necessary for some users Comparex vendor automates much of the email/calendar migration Copying begins approximately 2 weeks prior to conversion Final conversion process involves “email access downtime” over a weekend – forwarding of UW email is changed to Office 365 email at this time and final “sync” of email copying Users who use Outlook on a PC will have a new Outlook “profile” that points to Office 365 on the migration date. Key Inputs to the Migration Process List of shared mailboxes validated by the project liaisons List of shared calendars and conference rooms with new naming standards and any configuration requirements List of users to be converted for this department validated by the project liaisons (Note: No changes to UW NetID in the 6 week period prior to conversion)
Migration Inclusions/ Exclusions 12 What will the automated content migration include? Emails stored in Alpine/Deskmail What may not migrate automatically? Emails that may be stored locally on a PC or on a network drive (typically in a PST file) Contacts maintained in Alpine or contacts that are stored locally on a PC or network drive Calendars maintained locally on a PC (rare) Exceptions to recurring meetings (meeting locations or changes in dates/times) Granted permissions to calendars Signature lines What are plans for items that don’t migrate automatically? Our training and communications content will address these items. Some will involve steps that users must take prior to or after the migration while others may require assistance from <<your IT staff>>.
Preparation/Communication Activities Timeline for Project Liaisons 13 (timeline showing in weeks before migration/go-live date) Edit/Send Pre- Migration Reminder Communications (Emails / Flyers/ Kick-off Meeting with Project Liaisons Edit/Forward Migration Preparation Communications Edit/Send Post- Migration Communications (Emails / Flyers/ Edit/Forward Initial Communication to Department Staff on Upcoming Change “4 Weeks Prior” Check-in meeting for Project Liaisons Return validated list of users for conversion Make Post- Migration Guides Available Go-Live Wk 8 wks 7 wks 6 wks 5 wks 4 wks 3 wks 2 wks 1 wk Help Desk meets with project liaisons with shared calendars and resources to confirm configuration and resource naming Contingency Planning and Migration Preparation Activities Presentation at Staff Meeting(s) Schedule Staff Meeting presentations Project Liaisons receive list of users for conversion to validate Your migration date here: LEGEND Project Liaison Responsible Project Team Responsible
Next Steps 14 Make plans for announcing the change at upcoming staff meeting(s) – coordinate with project team to help present Departments that “own” shared calendars and conference rooms – <<your IT team>> will be scheduling time to work with you to discuss and configure these items. Forward initial email announcement (from project) to staff about upcoming change Review content and training materials available on our Project Information site View videos on use of Office 365 Email/Calendaring (on project information site) Allocate time on calendars to work on activities identified Schedule time with project team as needed for specific questions. Email address to contact project leaders: <<your project email address>>
QUESTIONS? Be sure to check out FAQ on Project Information Site: 15 QUESTIONS? Be sure to check out FAQ on Project Information Site: <<your website>> You may contact the project leaders at <<your project email>>