Substitution and Elimination Reaction of Alkyl Halides By: Ismiyarto, MSi
ALKIL HALIDA Manfaat (Pestisida, Bahan Dasar Sintesis Alkohol, Alkena) Struktur (Metil, Primer, Sekunder, Tersier, Benzil dan Vinil) Reaksi (SN-2, SN-1, E-2 dan E-1)
PETA REAKSI ALKIL HALIDA SN-2 Metil Halida Alkil halida Primer Alkil Halida Sekunder Alkil Halida Tersier Alil Halida Benzil Halida SN-2 SN-2, SN-1 dan E-2 SN-2, SN-1 dan E-2 SN-2, SN-1 SN-2, SN-1 7. Vinil Halida 8. Aril Halida Dalam Pembahasan Tersendiri
Organic compounds with an electronegative atom or an electron-withdrawing group bonded to a sp3 carbon undergo substitution or elimination reactions - Substitution Elimination Halide ions are good leaving groups. Substitution reaction on these compounds are easy and are used to get a wide variety of compounds alkyl fluoride alkyl chloride alkyl bromide alkyl iodide
Alkyl Halides in Nature Synthesized by red algae red algae Synthesized by sea hare a sea hare
Substitution Reaction with Halides (1) (2) bromomethane methanol If concentration of (1) is doubled, the rate of the reaction is doubled. If concentration of (1) and (2) is doubled, the rate of the reaction quadruples. If concentration of (2) is doubled, the rate of the reaction is doubled.
Substitution Reaction with Halides (1) (2) bromomethane methanol Rate law: rate = k [bromoethane][OH-] this reaction is an example of a SN2 reaction. S stands for substitution N stands for nucleophilic 2 stands for bimolecular
Mechanism of SN2 Reactions Alkyl halide Relative rate 1200 40 1 ≈ 0 The rate of reaction depends on the concentrations of both reactants. When the hydrogens of bromomethane are replaced with methyl groups the reaction rate slow down. The reaction of an alkyl halide in which the halogen is bonded to an asymetric center leads to the formation of only one stereoisomer
Mechanism of SN2 Reactions Hughes and Ingold proposed the following mechanism: Transition state Increasing the concentration of either of the reactant makes their collision more probable.
Mechanism of SN2 Reactions Steric effect activation energy: DG2 Energy activation energy: DG1 reaction coordinate reaction coordinate Inversion of configuration (S)-2-bromobutane (R)-2-butanol
Factor Affecting SN2 Reactions The leaving group relative rates of reaction pKa HX HO- + RCH2I RCH2OH + I- 30 000 -10 HO- + RCH2Br RCH2OH + Br- 10 000 -9 HO- + RCH2Cl RCH2OH + Cl- 200 -7 HO- + RCH2F RCH2OH + F- 1 3.2 The nucleophile In general, for halogen substitution the strongest the base the better the nucleophile. pKa Nuclephilicity
SN2 Reactions With Alkyl Halides an alcohol a thiol an ether a thioether an amine an alkyne a nitrile
Substitution Reactions With Halides 1-bromo-1,1-dimethylethane 1,1-dimethylethanol Rate law: rate = k [1-bromo-1,1-dimethylethane] this reaction is an example of a SN1 reaction. S stands for substitution N stands for nucleophilic 1 stands for unimolecular If concentration of (1) is doubled, the rate of the reaction is doubled. If concentration of (2) is doubled, the rate of the reaction is not doubled.
Mechanism of SN1 Reactions Alkyl halide Relative rate ≈ 0 * 12 1 200 000 The rate of reaction depends on the concentrations of the alkyl halide only. When the methyl groups of 1-bromo-1,1-dimethylethane are replaced with hydrogens the reaction rate slow down. The reaction of an alkyl halide in which the halogen is bonded to an asymetric center leads to the formation of two stereoisomers * a small rate is actually observed as a result of a SN2
Mechanism of SN1 Reactions nucleophile attacks the carbocation slow C-Br bond breaks fast Proton dissociation
Mechanism of SN1 Reactions Rate determining step Carbocation intermediate DG R++ X- + R-OH2 R-OH
Mechanism of SN1 Reactions Inverted configuration relative the alkyl halide Same configuration as the alkyl halide
Factor Affecting SN1 reaction Two factors affect the rate of a SN1 reaction: The ease with which the leaving group dissociate from the carbon The stability of the carbocation The more the substituted the carbocation is, the more stable it is and therefore the easier it is to form. As in the case of SN2, the weaker base is the leaving group, the less tightly it is bonded to the carbon and the easier it is to break the bond The reactivity of the nucleophile has no effect on the rate of a SN1 reaction
Comparison SN1 – SN2 SN1 SN2 A two-step mechanism A one-step mechanism A unimolecular rate-determining step A bimolecular rate-determining step Products have both retained and inverted configuration relative to the reactant Product has inverted configuration relative to the reactant Reactivity order: 3o > 2o > 1o > methyl methyl > 1o > 2o > 3o
Kestabilan Karbokation
Elimination Reactions 1-bromo-1,1-dimethylethane 2-methylpropene Rate law: rate = k [1-bromo-1,1-dimethylethane][OH-] this reaction is an example of a E2 reaction. E stands for elimination 2 stands for bimolecular
The mechanism shows that an E2 reaction is a one-step reaction The E2 Reaction A proton is removed Br- is eliminated The mechanism shows that an E2 reaction is a one-step reaction
Elimination Reactions 1-bromo-1,1-dimethylethane 2-methylpropene Rate law: rate = k [1-bromo-1,1-dimethylethane] this reaction is an example of a E1 reaction. E stands for elimination 1 stands for unimolecular If concentration of (1) is doubled, the rate of the reaction is doubled. If concentration of (2) is doubled, the rate of the reaction is not doubled.
The E1 Reaction The base removes a proton The alkyl halide dissociate, forming a carbocation The mechanism shows that an E1 reaction is a two-step reaction
Products of Elimination Reaction 30% 50% 80% 2-butene 2-bromobutane 20% 1-butene The most stable alkene is the major product of the reaction for both E1 and E2 reaction The greater the number of alkyl substituent the more stable is the alkene For both E1 and E2 reactions, tertiary alkyl halides are the most reactive and primary alkyl halides are the least reactive
Elimination Reactions Dehydrohalogenation (-HX) and Dehydration (-H2O) are the main types of elimination reactions.
Dehydrohalogenation (-HX)
The E2 mechanism This reaction is done in strong base at high concentration, such as 1 M NaOH in water. _
Kinetics The reaction in strong base at high concentration is second order (bimolecular): Rate law: rate = k[OH-]1[R-Br]1
The E1 mechanism This reaction is done in strong base such as 0.01 M NaOH in water!! Actually, the base solution is weak!
Kinetics The reaction in weak base or under neutral conditions will be first order (unimolecular): Rate law: rate = k [R-Br]1 The first step (slow step) is rate determining!
The E2 mechanism Mechanism Kinetics Stereochemistry of reactants Orientation of elimination (Zaitsev’s rule) Stereochemistry of products Competing reactions
E2 mechanism This reaction is done in strong base at high concentration, such as 1 M NaOH in water.
Kinetics of an E2 reaction The reactions are second order (bimolecular reactions). Rate = k [R-Br]1[Base]1 second order reaction (1 + 1 = 2) High powered math!!
d- Transition State energy Reaction coordinate
Stereochemistry of reactants E2 reactions must go by an anti elimination This means that the hydrogen atom and halogen atom must be 180o (coplanar) with respect to each other!! Draw a Newman projection formula and place the H and X on opposite sides.
Stereochemistry of E2 Reaction H and Br are anti structure in conformation!!!!!!!!!
This one is formed!
This one is formed!
Orientation of elimination: regiochemistry/ Zaitsev’s Rule In reactions of removal of hydrogen halides from alkyl halides or the removal of water from alcohols, the hydrogen which is lost will come from the more highly-branched b-carbon. More branched Less branched A. N. Zaitsev -- 1875
Product formed from previous slide More substituted alkene is more stable!!!!!!!!
Typical bases used in E2 reactions High concentration of the following >1M If the concentration isn’t given, assume that it is high concentration! Na+ -OH K+ -OH Na+ -OR Na+ -NH2
Orientation of elimination: regiochemistry/ Zaitsev’s Rule Explaination of Zaitsev’s rule: When you remove a hydrogen atom from the more branched position, you are forming a more highly substituted alkene.
Stereochemistry of products The H and X must be anti with respect to each other in an E2 reaction! You take what you get, especially with diastereomers! See the previous slides of the reaction of diastereomers.
Competing reactions The substitution reaction (SN2) competes with the elimination reaction (E2). Both reactions follow second order kinetics!
The E1 mechanism Mechanism Kinetics Stereochemistry of reactants Orientation of elimination (Zaitsev’s rule) Stereochemistry of products Competing reactions
E1 mechanism This reaction is done in strong base at low concentration, such as 0.01 M NaOH in water)
E1 Reactions These reactions proceed under neutral conditions where a polar solvent helps to stabilize the carbocation intermediate. This solvent also acts as a weak base and removes a proton in the fast step. These types of reactions are referred to as solvolysis reactions.
tertiary substrates go by E1 in polar solvents, with little or no base present! typical polar solvents are water, ethanol, methanol and acetic acid These polar solvents help stabilize carbocations E1 reactions also occur in a low concentration of base (i.e. 0.01M NaOH).
However!!!! With strong base (i.e. >1M), goes by E2
Structure of the Carbocation Intermediate
Carbocation stability order Tertiary (3o) > secondary (2o) > primary (1o) It is hard (but not impossible) to get primary compounds to go by E1. The reason for this is that primary carbocations are not stable!
Kinetics of an E1 reaction E1 reactions follow first order (unimolecular) kinetics: Rate = k [R-X]1 The solvent helps to stabilize the carbocation, but it doesn’t appear in the rate law!!
d- d+ d+ d+ + energy intermediate Reaction coordinate
Stereochemistry of the reactants E1 reactions do not require an anti coplanar orientation of H and X. Diastereomers give the same products with E1 reactions, including cis- and trans products. Remember, E2 reactions usually give different products with diastereomers.
Orientation of elimination E1 reactions faithfully follow Zaitsev’s rule! This means that the major product should be the product that is the most highly substituted.
Stereochemistry of products E1 reactions usually give the thermodynamically most stable product as the major product. This usually means that the largest groups should be on opposite sides of the double bond. Usually this means that the trans product is obtained.
Competing reactions The substitution reaction (SN1) competes with the elimination reaction (E1). Both reactions follow first order kinetics!
Whenever there are carbocations… They can undergo elimination (E1) They can undergo substitution (SN1) They can rearrange and then undergo elimination or substituion
Rearrangements Alkyl groups and hydrogen can migrate in rearrangement reactions to give more stable intermediate carbocations. You shouldn’t assume that rearrangements always occur in all E1 reactions, otherwise paranoia will set in!!
Comparison of E2 / E1 E1 reactions occur under essentially neutral conditions with polar solvents, such as water, ethyl alcohol or acetic acid. E1 reactions can also occur with strong bases, but only at low concentration, about 0.01 to 0.1 M or below. E2 reactions require strong base in high concentration, about 1 M or above.
Comparison of E2 / E1 E1 is a stepwise mechanism (two or more); Carbocation intermediate! E2 is a concerted mechanism (one step) No intermediate! E1 reactions may give rearranged products E2 reactions don’t give rearrangement Alcohol dehydration reactions are E1
Bulky leaving groups Hofmann Elimination This give the anti-Zaitsev product (least substituted product is formed)!
Orientation of elimination: regiochemistry/ Hofmann’s Rule In bimolecular elimination reactions in the presence of either a bulky leaving group or a bulky base, the hydrogen that is lost will come from the LEAST highly-branched b-carbon. More branched Less branched
Product from previous slide
Elimination with bulky bases Non-bulky bases, such as hydroxide and ethoxide, give Zaitsev products. Bulky bases, such as potassium tert-butoxide, give larger amounts of the least substituted alkene (Hoffmann) than with simple bases.
Comparing Ordinary and Bulky Bases
1-butene: watch out for competing reactions!
Highlights Dehydrohalogenation -- E2 Mechanism Zaitsev’s Rule Carbocation Rearrangements -- E1 Elimination with Bulky Leaving Groups and Bulky Bases -- Hofmann Rule -- E2
Competition Between SN2/E2 and SN1/E1 rate = k1[alkyl halide] + k2[alkyl halide][nucleo.] + k3[alkyl halide] + k2[alkyl halide][base] SN2 and E2 are favoured by a high concentration of a good nucleophile/strong base SN1 and E1 are favoured by a poor nucleophile/weak base, because a poor nucleophile/weak base disfavours SN2 and E2 reactions
Competition Between Substitution and Elimination SN2/E2 conditions: In a SN2 reaction: 1o > 2o > 3o In a E2 reaction: 3o > 2o > 1o 10% 90% 75% 25% 100%
Competition Between Substitution and Elimination SN1/E1 conditions: All alkyl halides that react under SN1/E1 conditions will give both substitution and elimination products (≈50%/50%)
Summary Alkyl halides undergo two kinds of nucleophilic subtitutions: SN1 and SN2, and two kinds of elimination: E1 and E2. SN2 and E2 are bimolecular one-step reactions SN1 and E1 are unimolecular two step reactions SN1 lead to a mixture of stereoisomers SN2 inverts the configuration od an asymmetric carbon The major product of a elimination is the most stable alkene SN2 are E2 are favoured by strong nucleophile/strong base SN2 reactions are favoured by primary alkyl halides E2 reactions are favoured by tertiary alkyl halides
Addition Reaction of Alkene HX Addition Electrophilic Addition (Markovnikov Product) Free Radical Mechanism (Anti-Mark Product) Hydration (+ H2O) Halogenation/ Hydrohalogenation Reduction or Hydrogenation (+ H2 ) Oxidation Multi-step Synthesis
Addition of Halogens to Alkenes + X2 X C electrophilic addition to double bond forms a vicinal dihalide X2 = Cl2 or Br2 F2; explosive I2 ; endothermic 2
Example Br2 CH3CH CH3CHCHCH(CH3)2 CHCH(CH3)2 Br Br (100%) 4
anti addition Stereochemistry of Halogen Addition Br2 trans-1,2-Dibromocyclopentane 80% yield; only product H Br Anti Addition ; Two Bromines add to opposite sides of the ring 6
Example H Cl H Cl2 H trans-1,2-Dichlorocyclooctane 73% yield; only product 6
Mechanism is electrophilic addition Br2 is not polar, but it is polarizable two steps (1) formation of bromonium ion & electrophilic attack (2) nucleophilic attack on bromonium ion by bromide NET REACTION CH2=CH2 + Br2 -> Br-CH2-CH2-Br 8
Step 1a: Formation of Bromonium Ion – + Br Mutual polarization of electron distributions of Br2 and alkene Electrons flow from alkene toward Br2 11
Step 1b; Electrophilic Addition to form Bromonium Ion Part i + Br-
Step 1b; Lone Pair on Bromine Stabalizes Carbocation and Forms Cyclic Bromonium Ion Part ii + Br- Br +
Step 2; Bromide Ion Must Attack from Oppositte Side of Cyclic Bromonium Ion (anti addition) + Br
Example Br H Br2 H trans-1,2-Dibromocyclopentane 80% yield; only product 6
C C + X2 X X alkenes react with X2 to form vicinal dihalides alkenes react with X2 in water to give vicinal halohydrins C C + X2 + H2O X OH + H—X 2
Examples H2O H2C CH2 + Br2 BrCH2CH2OH (70%) OH Cl H Cl2 H H2O anti addition: only product 6
Mechanism; 1) Cl2 is polarized and adds across double bond Mechanism; 1) Cl2 is polarized and adds across double bond. 2) Ion formed is stabalized by lone pair of Cl. 26
3) Water attacks chloronium ion from side opposite (anti addition) carbon-chlorine bond. This gives trans isomer 29
Regioselectivity CH3 OH C CH2Br H3C C CH2 Br2 H2O (77%) Markovnikov's rule applied to halohydrin formation: the halogen adds to the carbon having the greater number of hydrogens. 32
Hydrogenation (Reduction, +H2) of Ethylene Metal Catalyst H C H H C + H—H exothermic H° = –136 kJ/mol catalyzed by finely divided Pt, Pd, Rh, Ni 4
Two spatial (stereochemical) aspects of alkene hydrogenation: (1) syn addition of both H atoms to double bond (2) hydrogenation is stereoselective, corresponding to addition to less crowded face of double bond CO2CH3 H2, Pt H 18
syn-Additon versus anti-Addition syn addition anti addition 18
syn-Addition; Metal catalyst breaks H-H bonds. X H H H H 9
syn-Addition; Addition of H2 across double bonds takes place in two steps. X Y H H 9
Example of Stereoselective Reaction H3C CH3 H Example of Stereoselective Reaction H2, cat CH3 H3C H CH3 H3C H Both products correspond to syn addition of H2. 21
Example of Stereoselective Reaction H3C CH3 H Example of Stereoselective Reaction H2, cat Top face of double bond blocked by this methyl group CH3 H3C H But only this one is formed. H2 adds to bottom face of double bond. 21