Use of Personal Protective Equipment Dr. Raghunath Puttaiah
What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? A barrier that protects the employee from hazards such as— Bloodborne pathogens Blood, saliva, other body fluids, tissues Chemical Hazards Disinfectants/sterilants, ultrasonic solution, acids (used in etching), monomers, etc. Dust and Mist Acrylic powder, filings during trimming of acrylic dentures, plaster, etc.
Barriers commonly used in dentistry Gloves Masks Eyewear Gowns Bonnets & Shoe-covers
PPE used chair-side 5. Over-gloves 1. Powder-free Exam Gloves 2. Gown 3. Eyewear with Side-shields 4. Mask
Personal Protective Equipment Anticipated Exposure to Splash and Spatter Anticipated Exposure to Chemical Hazards and Breathable Particulate Matter Full PPE
Minimal PPE No splash and spatter ?? Exam without use of AWS No exposure to fine particles Removal of sutures Exam gloves are sufficient
Full PPE – in the clinical area Eyewear Eyewear & Sideshields OR Face Shield Fluid Resistant Mask Exam Gloves Fluid Resistant Gown
Eye protection Protective eyewear or goggles For a clinician Protective eyewear or goggles Prescription glasses with side-shields Face-shield (with mask) For the patient
Gloves Exam gloves (single-use-disposable Powder-free (preferable) Latex – inexpensive but could be allergenic Polyurethane – strong and non-allergenic Nitrile – strong and non-allergenic Vinyl – non-allergenic Over-gloves (to avoid cross-contamination) Utility gloves Nitrile gloves Puncture and cut resistant to handle contaminated sharps Neoprene gloves Handle hot objects and to avoid burns/scalds (while removing sterile instrument packs from sterilizer)
Examples of gloves Nitrile Utility Over glove Non-latex Exam
Masks Masks are to be worn to reduce the risk of splash and spatter Masks must be fluid resistant
Latex….. Is it safe Delayed reaction (Type 4) also called “Allergic Contact Dermatitis” Symptoms Swollen, red, dry, cracked or itchy skin These may take about 48 hours Reasons Reaction to chemical used in glove-making Reaction to natural rubber or synthetic glove products Immediate reaction (Type 1) also called “Systemic Anaphylaxis” Hives, wheezing, runny nose, itchy eyes Signs Hypotension, arrhythmias, difficulty in breathing or DEATH Type 4 can turn into a Type 1 reaction ANYTIME AGD Impact 1993, 21(4):2-7.
Reaction to gloves and glove materials
Reaction to gloves and glove materials
What can one use if allergic Glove liners Wear glove liners Then wear gloves Gloves