Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Cooperative, and Be Ready to Learn. PBIS It’s all about pride! Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Cooperative, and Be Ready to Learn.
What is PBIS? PBIS is: a positive behavior management process to create safer and more effective schools. a system of clear schoolwide expectations with consequences and incentives. intervention when you need help. recognition and celebration for your successes!
What does PBIS do for you? Students are recognized and praised for positive behaviors. gifts, opportunities to participate in special events, school supplies, materials, etc. Students receive interventions to help them refocus their unsuccessful behaviors. teacher-student conference, parent contact, reflections, parent conference,administrative referral.
How Does PBIS Work? All students follow the same set of rules and expectations throughout all areas in the building. These rules and expectations are displayed as a matrix, which is posted in every hallway and classroom. When students follow the rules and expectations, they are recognized. When students do not follow the rules, there are planned consequences to help them get back on track.
BHES PBIS Expectation Matrix Remember! Be Respectful! Be Responsible! Be Cooperative! Be Ready to Learn! BHES PBIS Expectation Matrix Hallways Cafeteria Restrooms Be respectful - Walk quietly in a straight line - Keep hand and feet to yourself - Listen and follow adult directions - Raise your hand for assistance - Talk in a soft tone to your immediate neighbor - Keep your hands on your own plate - Make sure the toilet flushes after each use - Throw away trash Be responsible - Keep the halls clean -Take designated routes to destination - Keep your lunch area clean - Get everything you need while you are in line - Wash your hands - Keep your hands, feet, and unkind words to yourself Be Cooperative - Model expected behavior - Wait quietly in line until you are seated - Help others - Be silent - Be prompt
What is a “Canes Cash” and a “Big Buck”? Ben Hill Elementary School Responsible Ready Cooperative Respectful Canes Cash P B I S Ben Hill Elementary School Responsible Ready Cooperative Respectful Canes Cash P B I S Ben Hill Elementary School Responsible Ready to Learn Cooperative Respectful 2014—15 P B I S BIG BUCKS
How can you earn “Canes Cash”? When consistent and for special effort, students will be recognized for appropriate behaviors such as: going above the rules expectation speaking in an appropriate tone of voice in class walking quietly on the right side of the hallway waiting patiently in line in the cafeteria entering and exiting the bus appropriately using outside equipment appropriately providing extra contributions to the class
Who awards students with “Canes Cash”? All staff including: teachers substitute teachers counselors main office/media center staff cafeteria staff custodians
Where will students spend their Canes Cash? At the Canes Cash Store! Located in the cafeteria Open every Friday during lunch Items priced according to value
How do I earn Big Bucks? Big Bucks can only be earned by an entire class. Big Bucks are earned for perfect behavior in the hall, cafeteria, or other public space. Your individual behavior affects whether the class get a Big Buck or not. Everyone’s behavior has to be perfect to earn one. Your class can only earn a Big Buck when their behavior is recognized by another adult in the building. Teachers cannot give their own class a Big Buck.
The class collects Big Bucks and sets its own reward goal How are Big Bucks used? The class collects Big Bucks and sets its own reward goal 10 Big Bucks – Popcorn party 20 Big Bucks – Ice cream party 30 Big Bucks – Pizza party 60 Big Bucks – “Principal’s Picnic” Lunch and play time at the local park All administrators present Superintendent invited Class picture