S2 Homework Task - January Digital Narratives
S2 Homework Task - January Checklist Section A Activity 1 Choose your focus Activity 2 Choose your digital form Activity 3 Create your ‘digital narrative’ Section B Activity 1 Submit your ‘digital narrative’
I can use punctuation to make the meaning of my sentences clear. Curriculum for Excellence ‘Experiences and Outcomes’ Learning Intentions: I can use notes and other types of writing to generate and develop ideas, retain and recall information, explore problems, make decisions, generate and develop ideas or create original text. Having explored the elements which writers use, I can create texts in different genres by: integrating the conventions of my chosen genre successfully and/or creating interesting and convincing characters and/or building convincing settings which come to life. I can use strategies and resources to spell my words accurately, including specialist vocabulary. I can use punctuation to make the meaning of my sentences clear. I can accurately structure and arrange my sentences to make their meaning clear. I can use paragraphs, and show a straightforward relationship between them. LIT 3-25a LIT 3-31a LIT 3-21a LIT 3-22a
I enhance my learning by applying my ICT skills in Curriculum for Excellence ‘Experiences and Outcomes’ Learning Intentions: I enhance my learning by applying my ICT skills in different learning contexts across the curriculum. I can build a digital solution which includes some aspects of multimedia to communicate information to others. TCH3-04a TCH3-08b
What is a Digital Narrative? Section A – What is a Digital Narrative? A ‘digital narrative’ is just a story, but one that is presented through technology…
Here are some examples: http://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/201/The-Legend-of-Momotaro http://www.zooburst.com/zb_books-viewer.php?book=zb01_526cd2159b2f8 http://prezi.com/x0winkdp6oe-/introducing-the-prezi-educators-society/
Your task this month involves the notes that you created during the December Task: Understanding the key features of a novel. Using study cards. You will be creating a ‘digital narrative’ based around your class novel and notes. Furthermore, you will be using your skills from another subject area – Computing & I.T.
Activity 1: Choose your focus Decide from: The opening chapter A key scene An alternative ending The opening chapter to the sequel The opening chapter to the prequel
Activity 2: Choose your digital format Decide from: A podcast A Powerpoint Graphic Novel An online animation An online book A Prezi presentation …
Activity 3: Create your ‘digital narrative’ Now go and create your ‘digital narrative’! Remember: You can use the I.T. facilities during your lunch-break.
There are many free online resources that you can use: http://www.storyjumper.com/ http://www.zooburst.com http://prezi.com http://www.comicmaster.org.uk/ http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/
Section B – Submit your ‘digital narrative’
You can e-mail your teacher: A link to the online presentation A copy of the MP3 audio file A copy of the PowerPoint
End of Section B
S2 Homework Task - January Checklist Section A Activity 1 Choose your focus Activity 2 Choose your digital form Activity 3 Create your ‘digital narrative’ Section B Activity 1 Submit your ‘digital narrative’