Made by the best; Yarenni Trujillo & Xochitl “Wiz” Chavez Desert Biome Made by the best; Yarenni Trujillo & Xochitl “Wiz” Chavez
Location Location Northern America Southern Asian realm South & Central America Ethiopia Australia Africa There a cold desert also in Antarctica
Climate (temperature) The average temperature during the day is 43.5-49oC The average temperature during the night is 25oF The total amount of rain is about 8-13cm No snow its humid and dry and very very hot
The Organisms Most of the animals that live there are cold blooded Consumers: Coyotes, Snakes, Hawks, Kit fox, Kangaroo rot Decomposer: Beetle, Earth worm, millipedes Producers: Cactus, Mice, Lizards, and Insects
Our conclusion Over all the desert is simply a very dry and humid place, and is mostly filled with cold blooded animals, very little perception, and it gets very cold at night and very hot during the day.
Resources Science notebook