Second Grade Overview 2017 - 2018
Teaching Philosophy Mrs. Maher works to create a classroom community of learners where each child is treated with respect and where the needs of each child is addressed. Because children learn in a variety of ways, I will work to incorporate different teaching approaches to address all learners. Individuality and creativity are nurtured in my classroom.
Grade Level Expectations Students will be prepared for class every day Students will do their best Students will follow the school rules Students will respect classmates’ learning by doing their own work quietly and independently School behavior guidelines are based on the PBIS framework and Whole Brain Teaching that the entire school body will follow
Classroom Expectations Students will earn points towards a class reward by following class rules. Marbles will be added to the marble jar when classroom rules are being followed either individually or collectively. Individual rewards can also be earned such as lunch with the teacher, extra recess, and loot towards a prize from the treasure chest.
Classroom Behavior Management Tier 1: Redirect and reteach the classroom rule Tier 2: Conference with teacher Tier 3: Call parent to discuss or schedule a conference Tier 4: Referral to principal and/or guidance counselor
Rewards and Incentives Students can earn individual and class rewards Extra recess for the class Lucketts Loot Lunch and movie in the classroom Friday Fun Reward from the Treasure Chest
Curriculum Overview Language Arts – reading, writing, word study. We are using Units of Study this year. Reading and Writing Workshop. Math – Guided Math: hands on learning, Math Centers, Envision Math, electronic assessments Science/Social – Alternate 2 week study units
Grading Students will be marked in the content areas of Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Science, Health, Art, Music, and PE E/4 = Exceeds the benchmark (above grade level performance on assessments) M/3 = Meets the benchmark P/2 = Progressing toward the benchmark B/1= Below the benchmark
Homework Agenda Parental Support Nightly Reading – at least 15 minutes-Students will bring home a book to read in a pouch. Parents please sign off and participate with your child in the reading process. Word Study – Test on Fridays Math – weekly-unit tests and formative assessments Science/Social Science as needed-unit tests
Communication Monthly newsletter, bi-weekly email. Please contact Mrs. Maher with any immediate questions and concerns at or 571-252-2070 Please email if your child is sick or will be out of school for an extended period of time. Also let the office know. Dismissal changes need to be communicated by 2:00 pm to the office.
Miscellaneous The Second Grade will be going on one field trip this year. (TBD) There will be 2 class parties – Winter and end of the year
Snacks Healthy snacks and bottles of water are allowed
Reminders Please sign up for a parent-teacher conference Please complete the transportation form for dismissal procedures for your child. Volunteers are welcomed Thank you for coming tonight. We look forward to a great year together!